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Make Time
Helping you make time for what matters
Make Time is not about crushing your to-do list, optimizing every hour, or maximizing productivity. It’s about creating time for your priorities by rethinking the defaults of busyness and distraction.
Six Years With a Distraction-Free iPhone
Audio available
Six Years With a Distraction-Free iPhone
(and how to try your own low-stress experiment)
Jake Knapp
Nov 27, 2018
My year with a distraction-free iPhone (and how to start your own experiment)
My year with a distraction-free iPhone (and how to start your own experiment)
In 2012, I realized I had a problem: Infinity in my pocket was too much.
Jake Knapp
Aug 30, 2014
The distraction-free iPhone (or ‘Why I’m happier since I disabled Safari’)
The distraction-free iPhone (or ‘Why I’m happier since I disabled Safari’)
Jake Knapp
Mar 13, 2013
How I became a morning person (and why I decided to make the change)
Audio available
How I became a morning person (and why I decided to make the change)
It’s early and dark. The alarm sounds, and you reach over to switch it off. After a short pause, you sit up. You swing your legs off the…
John Zeratsky
Dec 9, 2015
Make Time Month Recap: I Failed Lots, but That’s Okay
Make Time Month Recap: I Failed Lots, but That’s Okay
My month-long experiment to establish a new writing schedule is over. Here are my results:
Jake Knapp
Jul 12, 2017
Blocking Out “Distraction Kryptonite”
Make Time Month, Week 2
Jake Knapp
Jun 12, 2017
“Make Time Month”—I’m redesigning my days and I want your help
“Make Time Month”—I’m redesigning my days and I want your help
I’m a total dork about how I spend my time. Over the years, I’ve tried experiments like removing email from my iPhone and turning off my…
Jake Knapp
May 30, 2017
Choose a “Highlight” Every Day
Choose a “Highlight” Every Day
Make Time Month, Week 1
Jake Knapp
Jun 6, 2017
The Perfect Workspace Is All In Your Head
The Perfect Workspace Is All In Your Head
Here’s what is really necessary for making good use of your time
John Zeratsky
Oct 2, 2018
The Distraction-Free Android
The Distraction-Free Android
Why my brand-new Google Pixel is better without Gmail, Chrome, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram… or even Google
John Zeratsky
Mar 15, 2017
How I Used a Vacation Timer to Write a Book (or, Why I Shut Off the Internet at 9PM)
How I Used a Vacation Timer to Write a Book (or, Why I Shut Off the Internet at 9PM)
For years, I tried to start a daily writing habit. See, I had this crazy idea to write a book, and I knew I’d need a lot of time and…
Jake Knapp
Jul 28, 2016
One Thing at a Time
I’m a big fan of doing one thing at a time. This approach is powerful because, among other reasons, it works well at different “zoom…
John Zeratsky
Jul 11, 2018
Stuck? Switch to “Play Mode”
Stuck? Switch to “Play Mode”
I get stuck a lot. I get stuck writing, editing, making slides, doing designs, replying to email. I get stuck anytime I want to get…
Jake Knapp
Jan 23, 2018
Why I ignore the daily news and read The Economist instead (and how you can too)
I don’t follow the daily news. I don’t read a paper, watch TV news, or follow any news outlets on Twitter.
John Zeratsky
Jan 6, 2016
2015: The year in books
2015: The year in books
I’m reviving an old tradition from my defunct blog, where I used wrap up each year by sharing a list of books I read.
John Zeratsky
Dec 21, 2015
One Big Thing: a simple way to do more by planning less
I used to be really into to-do lists. That’s a weird interest to have, but it’s true. I read Getting Things Done in 2005, and it became my…
John Zeratsky
Mar 29, 2016
How to send (but not receive) email on your iPhone, and why doing it doesn’t mean you’re a crazy…
As a Distraction-Free iPhone devotee, I don’t have email on my phone.
John Zeratsky
Jul 19, 2016
Seven Health Habits You Can Use to Build Energy and Get More Done Every Day
Seven Health Habits You Can Use to Build Energy and Get More Done Every Day
I am writing this on a Friday morning. Last night, I stayed out a little too late. I didn’t get enough sleep. I had one too many drinks. I…
John Zeratsky
Jul 20, 2018
Start With a Full Calendar
Start With a Full Calendar
I just love an empty calendar. It promises something valuable and rare: Time. Time to think, to work, to do whatever the hell you want.
John Zeratsky
Feb 23, 2017
The “Burner List”—My simple, paper-based system for focused to-dos
The “Burner List”—My simple, paper-based system for focused to-dos
Note: Nothing to do with Burning Man.
Jake Knapp
Aug 31, 2017
The Slacker’s Guide to New Year’s Resolutions That Stick
The Slacker’s Guide to New Year’s Resolutions That Stick
My Unproven Unscientific Recipe: Be Less Ambitious, But Do It Every Day
Jake Knapp
Jan 1, 2017
How I Tricked Myself Into Meditating
How I Tricked Myself Into Meditating
Or, “I Used Headspace for 400 Days and All I Got Was This Lousy Sense of Clarity and Well-Being”
Jake Knapp
Jul 11, 2017
Wasting time
Is it possible that wasting time can actually be a good use of time?
John Zeratsky
Jul 28, 2017
I Gave Up on To-Do Lists—Here’s How I Use a Might-Do List and a Calendar to Plan My Days Instead
I Gave Up on To-Do Lists—Here’s How I Use a Might-Do List and a Calendar to Plan My Days Instead
Last year, I shared my One Big Thing philosophy. The idea is simple: Focusing on one big thing each day is more productive and more…
John Zeratsky
Jan 18, 2017
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