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Remote Working

Show notes from our podcast.
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Episode Three: None of This is Traditional

By Hrefna Helgadóttir (Habbi) and Hailley Griffis

How do you MakeWorkWork when you’re not in your regular home? We discuss what counts as a real office, the importance of a routine — and somehow the zombie apocalypse gets a…

Episode One: You Are Married to OmniFocus Now

by Hrefna Helgadóttir (Habbi) & Hailley Griffis

In the first ever MakeWorkWork episode, we compare and contrast task management apps, lists, and the merits of using a physical notebook. Hailley wants to know if anyone…

Episode Two: Oh, You're from the Internet? Come Along!

By Hrefna Helgadóttir (Habbi) and Hailley Griffis

We break down Habbi’s 84 point travel checklist (and she tells us her secret to glide through international security!) and we discuss how we segment social…