Attention, Attention! Make Your Data Speak Conference 2024 Approaching!

Unlocking Insights, Unveiling Innovation, and Uniting Experts in Data Visualization

Alex Kolokolov
Make Your Data Speak
5 min readApr 26, 2024


Just a few days left until the start of our (I can say it already!) annual Eurasian Data Visualization Conference — Make Your Data Speak. I’m all excited and busy with organizational matters! We have so many great speakers and wonderful judges for our data viz competition! I’m incredibly happy that we managed to gather such a fantastic team again! Thanks to all of them!

I want our conference to be very diverse — both in terms of the presented tools and the directions of data visualization! I hope I can achieve that!

As in the previous year, the first day will be devoted to lectures and discussions! I’ve decided to categorize the thematic blocks more clearly, and I hope I can pull it off!

1st day of MYDS Conference

The first day and first part will start with a small discussion and will focus on the creative direction of data viz! Get ready to admire original and beautiful solutions from the world of data viz. The incredible data artists Kirell Benzi Ph.D. and Valentina D’Efilippo will share their creative experience! And the wonderful Nicole Lachenmeier and Sophie Sparkes will share valuable tips on data visualization!

The second part — very business-oriented — is dedicated to Business Intelligence — about my dashboards! — In this block, after a discussion on the topic of BI — our wise professionals from Tableau and Power BI spheres will talk about their interesting cases, share experience on dashboard implementation in companies, and on creating custom visualizations! Marco Russo and Alex Kolokolov — as representatives of Power BI, and Igor Garlowski and Alex Barakov — Tableau experts!

The third part is both creative and serious — it is devoted to storytelling based on data, as well as data journalism! About these interesting solutions and difficult choices! We will hear lectures from the author of wonderful books — Jonathan Schwabish, representative of R-visualizers — Cédric Scherer, the wonderful Emily Jill Murphy, and a little bit of corporate magic will be added to this creative cauldron by the magnificent Sarah Bartlett!

The fourth section is more focused on design as a product, and here you can expect a lot of useful tips and life hacks — Armand van Amersfoort will talk about the intricacies of data viz in interfaces, and the author of very practical books, Nick Desbarats, will share his interesting thoughts on the topic of timelines! Gustaw Dudek will bring a serious note to this design marathon and talk about dashboards, and the section will be concluded by the incredible and very dear to us Jason Forrest, who will tell us about Life, the Universe, and Everything in the World!

Oh! I’m not sure if we’ll have any energy left by the end of the day — there’s already so much interesting stuff lined up! I’m confident that this year’s discussions will be even more remarkable than last year’s, and the presentations will bring the freshest news from the entire data viz industry!

But we need to conserve our energy a bit — after all the lectures, we have the MYDS Award ceremony for our data viz competition awaiting us! Dozens of wonderful and talented judges (a huge thank you to them for their time and effort!) have already begun evaluating the entries and assigning scores! Rest assured, it’s not an easy task, especially considering how many beautiful and original projects made it to the shortlist this year!

Let’s wish them strength, and to our contestants — good luck!

2nd day of MYDS Conference

Oh! So many emotions! It’s like I’ve already lived through it again…

But I need to take a little break, get some rest, and then back into the fray! Because we already have the presentations and workshops lined up for the second day!

It won’t be as packed as the first, but still — there will be plenty of interesting things happening there too!

Here’s what awaits you:

Second Chance Pitch!

Our wonderful shortlisters will tell us about their projects, their creative solutions, and challenges! We’ll award a separate prize to the best storyteller! I hope this section will be a great inspiration for dashboard designers and developers!

And then we’ll gather together with the jury, many of whom have experience receiving data visualization awards and participating in competitions, and discuss the winning projects and how to create one. Maybe it’s just a matter of following ten simple rules? Let’s see!

After that, there will be several lectures and workshops — both free and paid (for PRO ticket holders). The wonderful Kat Greenbrook, a storytelling expert, will tell us how to apply storytelling in business!

Access to Exclusive Workshops

Next comes the PRO — block of our conference! Exclusive workshops on interesting and useful topics!

Neuro-specialist Anna AI will talk about applying modern neural networks in the BI analytics profession and even creating dashboards. Is it cheating or progress? It’s not very clear, but very interesting!

Alex Kolokolov will explain how to enrich your KPI cards and make them bring maximum benefit to the business! And Gašper Kamenšek, an Excel and Power BI guru, will teach us Advanced Budgeting Techniques!

Come join us! It will be interesting and useful! Tickets for the paid part are still available for purchase here:

Register to the MYDS Conference 2024!

We look forward to seeing you at our conference! And also at the award ceremony!

Let’s make the event diverse for various BI tools as well as for different data visualization directions: from Business Intelligence to data art!

And we are looking forward to meeting you!

Thank you for reading!

Check the Data2Speak website and follow us on LinkedIn and Twitter!

