Bill Murray: Travel With Your Partner, Then Get Married.

How To Know You’re Marrying The Right Person

Tyler Goelz
Make Your Next Trip Unforgettable


Bill Murray has been known for his impromptu encounters with strangers. From sharing a karaoke booth to walking down a hallway in slow-motion, he definitely knows how to have fun and stay busy.

Recently, there was a clip released of a bachelor party that Bill Murray passed through, probably on his way to a kickball game, when he shared a little bit of advice that was caught on tape.

To see the full clip, visit

The advice might have been too little too late for the groom-to-be, but is some of the best advice somebody could ever give, or receive. It went something like this:

“If you have someone you think is the one, don’t do… don’t just sort of think in your ordinary mind, ‘Ok, let’s make a date… and have a party… and get married.’ Take that person and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel ALL around the world and go to places that are hard to get to and hard to get out of. And when you come back… and if you’re still in love with that person… get married at the airport.”

“If you have someone you think is the one, don’t do… don’t just sort of think in your ordinary mind, ‘Ok, let’s make a date… and have a party… and get married.’”

THINKING outside of the box and ACTING of outside the box are two completely different things. I have no doubt most Americans do the first part, but hardly follow through on the second.

It’s usually easier to “daydream” about how we would like to do things, but then go “back to reality” and do them as they are expected.

“Take that person and travel around the world. Buy a plane ticket for the two of you to travel ALL around the world and go to places that are hard to get to and hard to get out of.”

This is the part that will catch most people up, forcing them“back to reality” with the notion that if they were Bill Murray, with his fame and fortune, they could do this, but can’t afford to travel like him.

Those people are missing the point. His advice has nothing to do with money being spent, but rather the time in your life you’re saving.

And when you come back… if you’re still in love with that person… get married at the airport.”

If you take the traditional route in a relationship, you’re spending the majority of your life getting to know your spouse. From dating to your first apartment together to getting married to having children to living (hopefully) happily ever after.

Following a path Bill Murray provided with the four sentences above, you’re going to figure out within a month or two if you are compatible with the person you consider “The One.”

By intentionally making your trip challenging, you’re going to find that you and your partner work great as a team or you can’t stand one another. If the trip is successful, you and your partner know you can tackle anything the future has to throw at you. If it’s a failure, although it’s a hard fact to face, it sets you and your partner free to find a better teammate.

Earlier in the video (view full click here Bill Murray says:

“You know how they say funerals aren’t for the dead but for the living? Well, bachelor parties are not for the groom; they’re for the uncommitted”

There’s also truth in this quote for the wedding itself. Weddings are not for the two getting married, but rather for their families.

Getting “married at the airport” is a true testament to that. Instead of focusing money on a wedding, put it into the two plane tickets and travel expenses, I guarantee it will be a lot cheaper and more effective than any wedding.

