Make-a-Thon FAQs

Sarah Obenauer
Make a Mark
Published in
3 min readAug 23, 2017

What is Make a Mark as an organization?

Make a Mark was born out of the need and desire to bridge the gap between the nonprofit/humanitarian community and the creative community. We seek to provide resources and foster an environment where community organizations and visual communicators can engage with one another to better our world. Make a Mark has always pushed to support talented people leading life-changing causes with the innovation and creativity they need to thrive. We will experiment with new ways we can serve the passionate and purposeful. Stay tuned!

What makes Make a Mark unique?

We are constantly driven by our purpose — to help people tell their stories through design, creativity and technology. All our decisions are extremely intentional and made with that foundation in mind. We refuse to stray from our purpose.

The initial goal of our first Make-a-Thon was to work hard and give deserving nonprofits something that could push their programs forward. What actually came out of the event was so much more than that. What moved us was the community that was created between the Makers and nonprofits.

What is a Make a Mark Make-a-Thon?

Make a Mark is a 12-hour design and development marathon benefiting local nonprofits. We bring together student and professional designers and developers to create pro-bono work for deserving nonprofit/humanitarian organizations.

What is a Maker?

Makers include designers, developers, illustrators, photographers, videographers and any other creatives. These are dedicated and talented volunteers that make the event happen.

Who qualifies as a nonprofit with Make a Mark?

Nonprofits are any community organizations or initiatives doing good for their neighbors, regardless of 501c3 status.

What is a mentor?

These individuals act as creative directors on the day of the event by providing feedback and ideas for teams that want or need it. These people are often instructors in their fields and are able to communicate and lead teams.

Do you really have a finished product in 12 hours?

Yes, you can definitely have a finished product in 12 hours. Print, logo and rebrand projects always wrap up within the day. Because there are final details with hosting, website projects often require an additional hour or two to wrap up, but that falls on Make a Mark to complete. Makers are only committed to the 12 hours and other Make a Mark members complete any final details and follow up.

Do the nonprofits use the work?

Yes! The nonprofits are always so grateful and excited to use the work that they receive at the event. A few notable examples from across the years include a rebrand for Micah’s Caring Initiative, a new logo and website for the Roanoke Community Garden Association and a gorgeous rebrand and website for On Our Own.

Why make?

Make a Mark is an opportunity to take the skills that you have and spend just one day helping those that give back so much of their lives (often unpaid) to the community in which you live.

It’s also a chance to try something new that may never cross your path otherwise. Shoutout to three-time Maker and Advisory Board Member, Steph.

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Sarah Obenauer
Make a Mark

Founder & Director of Make a Mark. Passionate about using design, creativity, and technology to serve our world.