7 šŸ— Takeaways from FB Live ft. Benoni Tagoe

Thanks to all who tuned in last night to our first Facebook Live co-hosted by BREAD & Higher Purpose Co. featuring Benoni Tagoe. Whether you are just starting out or been hustlinā€™ for awhile there were some major šŸ— to be taken away.

Leora Rifkin
#MakeBREAD Boston
3 min readJan 18, 2018


A few takeaways:

  1. BE OF SERVICE. Whether you have the money or not YOU HAVE resources. The first thing you should do is BE OF SERVICE. When Benoni first heard of what Issa was doing when Awkward Black Girl (ABG) was a web series he wrote her a page long email saying why he thought what she was doing was great and how HE could help.letter. When people are working to break into an industry they often want to take from that industry first; take money, take resources, etc. People often want to take from that industry rather than giving to the industry first. Instead, be a GIVER. Be a service provider.
  2. GET YOUR IDEA OUT THERE. THEN PIVOT. When Issa Rae launched ABG she was so hungry to get started she had her friend who never used a camera operating one. ABG was intended to be a cartoon, but when she found out how much it cost she decided to film it herself and for her to be the lead character. If she hadnā€™t jumped right in would ALL of us know who Issa Rae is? Possibly not and that would be a damn shame!
  3. SOME PEOPLE SELL THE PROCESS MORE THAN THE RESULTS. You gotta show your work. Thereā€™s a business in just showing progress and not always showing the end results.
  4. DONā€™T BE AN ARTIST. Donā€™t get stuck on what the end results look like. It might hold you back from making money. Progress over perfection.
  5. LEGO METHOD. Stack different things. Stack your leverage, your learning, and your money. For example, that project you didnā€™t make any money on now you can go sell for 10x what you would have made had you tried to sell it before you had that leverage.
  6. CONTENT IS KEY. You can build an audience and generate revenue around content.
  7. BOOKS. Benoni recommends Hooked by Nir Eyal, and Launch by Jeff Walker, and Losing the Signal: The Untold Story Behind the Extraordinary Rise and Spectacular Fall of Blackberry by Jacquie McNish and Sean Silcoff. #ReadersAreLeaders #BREADreads

Did you miss it?! Check out the Facebook Live on BREADā€™s Facebook page here! It will be posted on our YouTube channel soon.

From Benoni Tagoe Facebook page. ā€œHad a great Facebook Live session last night! Shoutout to @thecollectivefilms for running the production!ā€

Launching his career as an assistant to the Jonas Brothers, Benoni Tagoe quickly became a part of the bandā€™s day-to-day management team and developed a keen sense of entrepreneurship. Since then, Tagoe has produced content for both TV and New Media on platforms that have collectively garnered over 20 million views. In his current role, Tagoe is the head of business development for Issa Rae Productions (The Mis-Adventures of Awkward Black Girl and HBOā€™s ā€˜Insecureā€™). Additionally, Tagoe was profiled as a ā€œModern Manā€ in Black Enterprise magazine for his work with his management & consulting company, The Bizz Plan, which works with various media brands, including Uninterrupted (LeBron Jamesā€™ sports platform), beauty entrepreneur Peakmill, and financial expert Tonya Rapley.

