Holiday giving guide; The best books for the entrepreneur in your life

Leora Rifkin
#MakeBREAD Boston
Published in
4 min readDec 4, 2017

Personally, books are my favorite gifts to give as they are the gift that keeps on giving. Knowledge is power. Below are a compilation of the books we have shared via our newsletter, Rise, throughout 2017. All of these books were recommended by our BREAD guests for YOU, a budding or thriving entreprenuer. Get one for yourself, give one to someone else. For those in Boston you should check out Frugal Bookstore. They are one of our partners and sell all of these books in their store! #ReadersAreLeaders #BREADreads

  1. ) Melissa Kimble recommends “Don’t Dumb Down Your Greatness” by Anthony Fraiser. Don’t Dumb Down Your Greatness is a mental guidebook for young entrepreneurs of color. Lessons are broken down so anyone can apply them to their lives and instantly think in a “greatness” mindstate.

“If you want to change your life, you have to confront your fears.” @AnthonyFrasier

2.) Both Melissa Kimble and Willie Jackson recommended this book. I know it happens to be a fav of Lisa Nicole Bell too! Are you facing any type of resistance to your craft? Then you NEED this book! It is filled with short vignettes so whenever you are dealing with overwhelm and resistance to approaching your to do list, pick up this book to help you turn pro. As Steven Pressfield says, “ A professional acts in the face of fear.”

3.) Julian Mitchell and Willie Jackson recommended this book, Think & Grow Rich. This is a self-help classic.

4.) Lisa Nicole Bell recommends Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. What are you waiting for?!

5.) We know you love to hate him, but Charlamagne Tha God’s first book is damn good. Like Issa Rae said, “Charlamagne is a f*cking asshole, but he’s my favorite one.” Do yourself a favor and pick up Black Privilege; Opportunity Comes to Those Who Create It. He drops some 💎 💎 💎 like, “When you live your truth, no one can use it against you.”

6.) Your year can start at any point, not just in January! Check out Year of Yes by Shonda Rhimes recommended by Janel!

7.) You’re either remarkable or invisible. Read Seth Godin’s classic Purple Cow to rethink your marketing strategy. Recommended by our first ever BREAD guest Benoni Tagoe!

8.) If you’ve ever been to a #makeBREAD event you know vulnerability and courage are our core values. Read Albrey Brown’s book pick by one of our favs Brené Brown.

9.) We know that entrepreneurship is all the rage right now and it’s easy to see the shiny side of success. However, there is a lot that people don’t talk about. It is HARD work. That is why our previous BREAD guest Melanie Araujo recommends this book, which does not hold back.

10.) How did Blavity iterate and scale so quickly? Read Morgan DeBaun’s pick, The Lean Startup.

Bonus pick:

Last year this was BREAD’s book of the year, which we gifted to all of our 2017 BREAD guests. Our approach was inspired by elements of this book. These concepts apply to both your life and biz. Reclaim the power of inquiry in 2018.

What were some of your favorite books from 2017? Which ones do you think are worth sharing in order to achieve what Anthony Fraiser calls a “greatness” mindset? What book has someone recommended to you that shifted your life?

