Invest in Justice

Varan Pathmanathan
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2020

Last time we showed you how you can invest in the fourth area — Partnership — and introduced you to three companies within this area, which were IC Group A/S, H & M | Hennes & Mauritz AB & Husqvarna

There are still more areas and companies to explore, which leads us to our fifth area — Justice. The companies mentioned in this blog are all participants of United Nations Global Compact, whose mission is to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to create the world we want.

Our chosen three companies serves as examples of companies who support the SDG within the area of Justice and our aim with this blog is to visualize how a possible impact investment can be made, allowing you to put your money where your heart is.


Photo by Clem Onojeghuo on Unsplash

The fifth area — Justice — consists of SDG 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

Without justice, the hope of a sustainable world will be difficult to fulfill. Justice is when there is peace, everyone is treated fairly and there is a law to protect people. In many countries this is a goal that is still being aimed for, while in other countries there has been a sustained level of stability and peace. But why is it so difficult for some countries to achieve a peaceful stability that other countries have been enjoying for years?

When sexual violence, war and social insecurity is part of your everyday life, any positive development will be a far reach. This is what the SDGs aim to change. Strengthening the rule of law, promoting human rights and making developing countries active participants in the institutions of global governance, is the beginning of achieving a peaceful world.

3 companies for Justice — that promotes safe & peaceful societies & strong institutions

The following three companies are examples of where you can start your impact investing and thereby start making a change:


NORDEN A/S states in their latest Sustainability report (2017/2018) the following:

“With a total of 14 approved suppliers and 68 in progress, IMPA ACT is a responsible supply chain management system run by the International Marine Purchasing Association and developed by NORDEN, the Danish shipowner J.Lauritzen and IMPA in 2012. It is the first standard for the shipping industry in this area. When signing up to IMPA ACT, buyers like NORDEN agree to implement the stipulations of a Supplier Code of Conduct, based on UN Global Compact and UN Guiding Principles for business and Human Rights.”

Coloplast A/S

Coloplast states in their latest Sustainability report (2017/2018) the following:

“Acting respectfully: All white-collar employees trained in Code of Conduct — Reduce injuries by 33% by 2020 compared to 2016/17-level — Increase share of women in top management year over year — All raw material suppliers screened for human and labour rights.”

Securitas AB

Securitas states in their latest Sustainability report (2017/2018) the following:

“Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. We have an important role to play in providing a sense of security to the general public and protecting important infrastructure. Securitas also has a zero-tolerance policy against all forms of bribery and corruption.”

More is yet to come and you don’t want to miss out! So stay tuned to find out how you can invest in sixth and final area — Prosperity.


We are not financial advisors, and we do not claim any responsibility for the financial choices you may make on the basis of what you read in this blog. The content of the blog is of an informative nature and has an educational purpose. It is not to be regarded as either investment advice or recommendations, nor do we relate to the reader’s private, financial situation. Any use of information is at your own risk. We encourage you to seek financial guidance if you do not understand the risks in the area. We are not responsible for any choices you may make, based on what you read in this blog or from our company page on LinkedIn — MakeImpact.

