Invest in Prosperity

Varan Pathmanathan
Published in
4 min readMay 10, 2020

Last time we showed you how you can invest in the fifth area — Justice — and introduced you to three companies that support initiatives to promote this area. These companies were Norden, Coloplast and Securitas.

There are still one more area and companies to explore, which leads us to our sixth and final area — Prosperity. The companies mentioned in this blog are all participants of United Nations Global Compact, whose mission is to mobilize a global movement of sustainable companies and stakeholders to create the world we want.

Our chosen three companies serves as examples of companies who support the SDGs within the area of Prosperity and our aim with this blog is to visualize how a possible impact investment can be made, allowing you to put your money where your heart is.


Photo by 贝莉儿 DANIST on Unsplash

The sixth and final area — Prosperity — consists of SDG 7 (Affordable and Clean Energy), SDG 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth), SDG 9 (Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure), SDG 10 (Reduced Inequalities) and SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities).

Prosperity and growth in societies needs an environment that allows it to flourish. In the developed part of the world, having constant electricity, internet, housing and social equality is something that most of us take for granted. Reality is, that for many people around the world, this is still an unachieved dream.

Despite the growth of the global economy, extreme poverty is still an issue and is often concentrated in urban areas. Many are moving from rural areas to the city creating a shortage in housing opportunities. The lack of job opportunities for a growing labor force is causing income inequality to rise creating a wider gap between rich and poor. Inadequate transportation systems makes it difficult for those, who do not have a car to get to their jobs. Many still do not have access to internet or electricity. All these issues make it impossible for those afflicted to keep up with the constant development and growth in the world. To prosper, there has to be the opportunity to do so. So, what can be done?

Infrastructure needs to be developed to create growth opportunities, reduce poverty and make electricity affordable and accessible for all. Create quality housing with clean running water. Improve transportation, technological innovation and communication technologies. Encouraging entrepreneurship and job creation to get rid of forced labour and job scarcity.

3 companies supporting Prosperity — Focus on growing a strong, inclusive and transformative economy

The following three companies are examples of where you can start your impact investing and thereby start making a change:


Vestas states in their latest Sustainability report (2017/2018) the following:

“The core of Vestas’ business model is to produce affordable renewable energy solutions, and to continuously innovate to improve wind turbine efficiency, thus contributing to the fight against climate change.”


Skanska AB states in their latest Sustainability report (2017/2018) the following:

“Skanska’s strategic work toward leadership with sustainability — involving the focus areas of Health and Safety, Ethics, Green, Community Investment and Diversity and Inclusion — is an important differentiator for the Group. One priority is profitably providing customers with resilient and low carbon solutions.”


Scandic Hotels Group states in their latest Sustainability report (2017/2018) the following:

“Scandic Hotels Group Offers equal conditions regardless of gender, disability, ethnic background, etc. through value and leadership development. Also offers work experience for people outside the labor market and has a focus on Fairtrade products.”

We have now covered all six areas — Dignity, People, Planet, Partnership, Justice and Prosperity — and introduced you to some of the companies that support the SDGs within each area, hoping to have inspired you to start an impact investing journey of your own.

Impact investing can be a powerful tool for you to start making a difference and by supporting companies with sustainable values and goals, you will be part of a movement that wants to see tomorrow’s world as healthy, happy and just as possible.

Thank you for reading along and stay tuned for very exciting news about MakeImpact in the next couple of days!


We are not financial advisors, and we do not claim any responsibility for the financial choices you may make on the basis of what you read in this blog. The content of the blog is of an informative nature and has an educational purpose. It is not to be regarded as either investment advice or recommendations, nor do we relate to the reader’s private, financial situation. Any use of information is at your own risk. We encourage you to seek financial guidance if you do not understand the risks in the area. We are not responsible for any choices you may make, based on what you read in this blog or from our company page on LinkedIn — MakeImpact.

