Creating content in an agile, relevant, and positive way

Maker Brands
Maker Stories
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2016

The challenge in navigating the world of editorial context is combining agility and everyday relevance, which are characteristics that seem to set sail on different seas. The most common route is to go with texts that move well in shallow water — and are therefore superficial. So, in terms of new products or services, the equivalent line of thinking is that launching a prototype in a few months is synonymous with offering something of low quality to consumers.

As prototypes are the best way to reduce the risks in a product or service launch (contemporary consumers are prepared to use, give feedback and participate in the continuous improvement process of products and services), today’s readers tend to connect with quick texts more easily.

Recently, I discovered that flexibility and relevance go hand-in-hand when I was faced with a challenge from one of our clients. We would have two weeks — and no more — to produce all content and launch the new site of Movimento Choice. I embraced the challenge of channeling my inner entrepreneur.

The experience showed me that without agility, we run the risk of losing relevance. And for these relationships to truly work, a positive element is essential. I learned how to work with this type of positive content in my daily work for, edited by MakerBrands.

I’m not the only one who believes that a positive element serves as a cornerstone between agile and relevant content. The study “What Makes Online Content Go Viral?”, by professors Jonah Berger and Katherine L. Milkman, from the University of Pennsylvania, found that the positive content is more likely to be viral than negative content.

So I venture to say that when producing inspired and inspiring content that is agile and relevant, positive vision — so important to create positive content — was shown to be essential and my true mentor.

By Mauricio Boff



Maker Brands
Maker Stories

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