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7 Tips to Successfully Micromanage Programmers

Marcus Blankenship


Since most programmers only want to write code, and don’t care about what problem they are solving, you need to learn to effectively micromanage them.

Without this you will have endless discussions about frameworks, tools, ideas, process and the like. This will occur ad neasaum until you tell them what to do.

Deep down, programmers want to be told what to do, how to do it, and when to do it. They often pretend this isn’t the case, but don’t let that fool you.

Their best friend, the compiler, is also extremely picky and demanding, giving them a feeling of security and good boundaries. Either a program compiles, or it doesn’t. Your management should have the same ring of absoluteness to it.

You might think that micromanagement is a lot of work, and you’d be right. You always have to be “on” even during nights, weekends and vacations. But with these seven tips, you know you’ll be spending your time effectively, and creating a fast-moving team.

7 steps to successfully micromanage your programmers

  1. Remember you own them. They are YOUR programmers, and you are THEIR boss. This century’s old dynamic is a classic for a reason: it works. If it’s good enough for the Romans, Monarchies and Henry Ford, it’s good enough for us. Make sure you never waiver on who makes the decisions on your team.
  2. Tell them exactly how to do it. Create very detailed “specs” which outline everything that needs to be done. Include the architecture, frameworks, database schema, object diagrams, function signatures, naming conventions, etc. Don’t worry if you have flaws in the spec — this is an opportunity for them to “problem solve”, which many claim to enjoy. This detailed specificity about WHAT work is done will set the bar high and keep them productive.
  3. Tell them exactly how to work together. Create flowcharts and role assignments. Remember, your team wants to be assembled together like cogs, and works best when they each have a very specific role. Discourage people from working together, to build experts in each role. Create formal channels for them to communicate with. They will appreciate that you have figured out the best way for them to work and be efficient.
  4. Figure out the BEST way to do things for them. Programmers only want to write code, so you should figure out the BEST design, framework, coding standards, timeframes, role delegation, etc in advance. Your programmers will trust your judgement and feel secure that you know best. This also leaves them plenty of coding time, which makes them happy.
  5. Hold their toes to the fire to finish everything on-time. All good project managers know that teams work best under pressure, with challenging deadlines. This brings out the best in people, and they love rising to a challenge! If things start to slip, begin the passive-aggressive comments and veiled threats. This will show people that the deadlines are important, and they will shift into high-gear!
  6. Check in multiple times each day to change direction. Programmers tend to drift and get distracted, so help them focus by checking in with them frequently. There’s no need to have something valuable to say, your mere presence will remind them to work harder.
  7. Email, slack and call them late at nights and/or weekends. This is key to keeping up momentum through the long-weekends and holidays. They will know you care when you call at 10pm with a new feature idea, or email them at 2:31am about a new bug. They will also know you’re working hard, and they should too. You’ll win admiration and respect for your work ethic. Can’t stay up until 2am? Just schedule your emails to be sent at a specific time, and no one will be the wiser.

With these seven tips you can increase your teams output while still having time to golf over a long lunch.

If you hear complaints or murmuring, remind them how lucky they are to have a job, and that there are many other people lined up to take their place if they make trouble.

You’ve heard about the benefits of micromanaging, now you have actionable advice to start getting things done. Good luck!



Marcus Blankenship

Hacker, Problem Solver, Calvinist, Geek. Author of Habits That Harm Your Technical Team.