Check out the Maker API Winners of ETHSF Hackathon

5 min readOct 22, 2018


We had a great time at the ETHSF Hackathon where we saw over a hundred projects being developed across the event. Maker was a primary sponsor of this event, and worked closely with ETHSF to support the mission.

We’re passionate about fostering a great development ecosystem and enabling anyone to interact with Maker’s smart contracts. And thus, excited to share with you the winners of Maker’s API Prize for ETHSF.

Below are descriptions from the project developers themselves.


Coming from the team that brought you the Global CDP at ETH India, this team won our API Prize and ETH Global’s once again with a new hack — introducing Cryptopay.

“We are developing this MVP of CryptoPay which lets anyone accept payments in Crypto, we are using Kyber Network on chain liquidity and MakerDAO / $DAI stable coin to accept payments in Any token / Anywhere, using our Smart Contracts we automatically swap any ERC20 token to $DAI & ETH based on the user preferences, we also have a feature for users to Pay By Loan and Manager CDP.”

What it does

  1. Users can go to (WIP) — Switch to Kovan for Pay By Loan and Ropsten for Pay Now to submit transactions.
  2. Create Payment Links / Accept Payments
  3. Users can pay using any ERC20 token
  4. Users can Pay Instantly from their wallet or Pay By Loan, with our Smart Contract we create MakerDAO CDP and complete the payment onchain and all in ONE transaction
  5. Users can set up how they want to split the transaction between ETH & $DAI

Project Members: Nampally Satish Kumar, Samyak, Sowmay

Check out more here:

Prize: 2500 DAI

Lending Party: Easy-to-use cryptocurrency backed loans

“There are a lot of obstacles when receiving personal loans in today’s market place. Payday loans, allows lenders to borrow for a short amount of time, often at a very high exchange rate. These loans create a cyclical cycle of debt for it’s users; usually unable to get out of. Loans build up on top of each other as you have to take out loans in order to pay for future debt obligations. These interests rate can be as high as 120% APR.

We provide a simple interface for users to use BloomID as a single sign on solution to verify their identity and obtain a no-interest collateralized loan with a very small origination fee. Facilitating with the blockchain means that we can use the immutability and the trustless system that provides the abstraction away from crypto. We provide a blockchain-based lending solution using Collateralized DAI which there are no time bounds for a user to pay back their debt obligations. From origination of the loan to the injection of capital, crypto is fully abstracted within our end to end solution with the end result being USD, or their local currency, deposited into the user’s bank account. The UI is completely optimized for simplicity and time-saving without the user ever knowing they are using a Dapp. This will provide the easiest path for adoption of cryptocurrency-backed loans for the next million users.

The onboarding and user verification is done through BloomID for Login, which will ask for basic information. This information is passed to MakerDao CDP, Wyre and other loan partners as the on/offramping for users. They are met with a relatively easy-to-understand workflow to be able to use and extract DAI.”

Project Members: Thomas Lui, Peter Hulst, Brandon In, Natalie Chin

See more here:

Check out their Github Repo here: GitHub Repo

Prize: 666 DAI

Robinbot- Tip of the iceberg of a white hat protocol

“Robinbot is a white hat protocol which “recovers” crypto currencies lost when distracted developers push their private keys and mnemonics to public Github repos.

Robinbot finds private keys and mnemonics like the bad hackers, but….. we are nice people. We let you know through email that we have moved your funds to a secure wallet and send you a pin code that allows you to recover your funds.

Robinbot takes the money from your wallet and sends it to our Robinbot smart contract. The ETH is converted to DAI and then they are lent out for interest. Once the loan has been paid back in full, your money is sent to your new wallet.

We call the Github API to find a twelve words string or a private key. Once this is done, we send all of the funds (minus gas) to our smart contract. Through a decentralized exchange we will execute the ETH-DAI swap. DAI are lent through a lending protocol and then back to the contract. By sending an email with a pin to the original owner (took its email through Github) we will validate their identity. The owner will claim their DAI by giving the pin + the new wallet address.”

Project Members: fgoldberg, Martin Nagelberg, Cameron Morris, Nicolas D’Onofrio

See more here:

Check out the site here:

Prize: 666 DAI


“The inspiration is to bring crypto to the masses by enabling more usages to the existing token economy. The project enables instant and secure token payments which are converted to USD. Pay with tokens and ETH, and the receiver gets USD equivalent tokens.

The project allows an easy way to integrate and receive payments, donations or transfers with crypto tokens that instantly get converted to Stable Coins (USD pegged tokens) for the receiver or integrated Dapps.

It was built by leveraging the 0x protocol network liquidity and using liquid stable coins like DAI and TrustUSD to allow users to use ERC20 tokens to pay in dollar amounts any service online. Our Smart Contract interacts with the 0xProtocol and DAI ecosystem to ensure an easy payment experience for the token users and merchants as well converting instantly and securely ERC20 tokens into stable coins for payments.”

Project Members: Pamela Laitano, Guillermo Salazar, Doug Molina, Daniel Tutila

See more here:

Check out the site here:

Prize: 666 DAI

