We’re launching some exciting new scholarships to help under-represented talent get into tech

These support our mission to diversify tomorrow’s tech industry



We’re on a mission to transform lives through tech education. We believe that everyone should be able to embark on that journey so today we’re excited to announce new Represent Scholarships in partnership with the communities Coding Black Females, codebar and Women Who Code.

The scholarships will support members of these groups by providing reduced fees when applying for Makers and additional support in their tech education. There will also be the option to apply for a full scholarship place. Click here for information.

Only 17% of the UK tech sector is made up of women — only a 1% increase from five years ago. Additionally, only 2% are from a black, African, Caribbean or black British backgrounds.

With the support of our partners, we aim to reach talented people from underrepresented communities and support their journeys towards a career in tech.

Find out details about the scholarships and how you can apply here.

Our Partners

Coding Black Females

Coding Black Females was created in 2017 by their founder Charlene Hunter. They’re a nonprofit organisation who’s primary aim is to provide opportunities for Black women to develop themselves, meet familiar faces, network, receive support and build relationships through meetups.

Learn more about Coding Black Females and become a member here.


We’re once again proud to partner with codebar, a charity that works support minority groups in tech by providing a safe space for members to learn, network and develop their tech skills. They provide one-to-one mentoring, regular workshops and run free events to facilitate tech education to coders of all levels and to connect their community with career opportunities. Learn more about codebar and become a member here.

Women Who Code

Women Who Code’s mission is to inspire women to excel in technology careers. They provide resources and scholarship opportunities to create a springboard for women working in technology. They also educate companies to better promote, retain and hire talented women. Learn more about Women Who Code here.

If you’re a member of one of our partner groups click here for details of how to apply for a scholarship. Not yet a member? Register with Coding Black Females, codebar or Women Who Code and apply!



Creating a new generation of tech talent who are ready to build the change in society and thrive in the new world of work.