Intro to our makers group project

Angus Pettifer
2 min readJul 20, 2018

The Team

Chris Russell, Angus Pettifer, Jen Strong, Josh Heath, Rob Faldo

As a cohort of 17 we were able to choose whether to do a group project in rails or java. Our teams were then randomly picked within those 2 groups. The 5 of us picked rails because (feel free to add/remove):

  • Having already conquered ruby we wanted to apply that knowledge with the support of a powerful framework to build a fully fledged app
  • To improve our understanding of software development processes, workflow and teamwork
  • A fascination of train-lines and safety near stairways/ledges
Photo by Leon Bublitz on Unsplash

The Task

As five budding Zuckerbergs, our task was to create Facebook (or ‘acebook’, as Makers call it). We realised that Facebook has already been created and seems to be going well, so we decided to make Facebook for pets.

We were given the start of a rails projects to build on which had ‘posts’ functionality.

We aimed to use an agile development method, and followed a scrum process of 2 day sprints. These were sandwiched with a planning session and a retro, with stand-ups each morning.

The Progress

Day 1 (link)

Learning many-to-many relationships on rails (link)

Thursday knowledge sharing (link)

Learnings from my first two weeks of rails (link)

The Mascot

