How “Fine, I’ll Quit” App uses Language to Help People Get Over Addictions

Dinuka Jay
Maker’s Kitchen
Published in
6 min readMay 19, 2018
An App that offends you until you quit your bad habits? Sign me up! — Fine, I’ll Quit

Using the power of language to motivate human beings 💌

Fine, I’ll Quit” is an app that helps you get over your bad habits. All of us have bad habits and all of us have that core need to get rid of them. Some of them easily go away but some of them are here to stay unless we make an effort to chase them away. We built this app to help you conquer those little black spots that slow you down from becoming an even better person. It’s available for both iOS and Android devices 📱 We also Launched on ProductHunt! 😸

There’s something so special about how ‘Fine, I’ll Quit’ App (FIQ App) motivates its users. We use language as our core weapon to do so. Words have a powerful effect on people and we use a simple strategy of collecting a user’s responsibilities in their life and then using that data to create Call-To-Action sentences that spark up a user’s attention.

Let’s look at an example.

Adrian is a great dad. He has 2 amazing kids, Billy and Sam. He has a very lovely wife, Mary. Adrian loves his job and he eventually wants to save up money and take his family on a trip to Hawaii 🏖

However, here’s a little more detail in to Adrian’s life.

Adrian has an addiction to smoking cigarettes. He burns through at least 2 packs a day and he’s craving more and more everyday. He wants to put an end to this addiction but it’s super difficult.

How do we solve this problem? FIQ app has a strategy in mind.

Step 1: Get Adrian to clearly understand his responsibilities

In this step, FIQ app gets Adrian to point out the responsibilities he has in his life. Here are the points:

  • Adrian has 2 amazing kids 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦
  • Adrian has a lovely wife 🙍
  • Adrian has a very cool job 💼
  • Adrian wants to take his family on a trip to Hawaii 🏖

Step 2: Get Adrian to identify his negative habit:

In this step, FIQ app gets Adrian to point out his weakness; his negative habit.

  • Addiction to smoking

Step 3: Call To Action

In this step, we use the data we collected in the previous 2 steps to generate very motivational and captivating sentences to remind Adrian of his responsibilities to the loved ones in his life and his dreams.

Here are some of the reminders that will show up on Adrian’s smart phone notifications:

Adrian, you have 2 amazing kids. Live this day as healthy as you can and you’ll get to see their graduations

Your lovely wife adores you for being such an amazing father. Stay healthy so that you can keep being awesome

Remember, you have to travel to Hawaii someday soon. You won’t be able to do this if you continue smoking.

Hard hitting, isn’t it? That was the intention when building this app.

This is how these messages will look like in the app 👇

How it works

All Responsibility sentences are structured in a specific format such that it falls under one of the following categories:

  • self_action
  • self_identity
  • self_achievement

Self Action Sentences

A self_action is a sentence format that describes a user’s future intention on doing a certain action. Here are some examples:

  • I want to travel the world 🗺
  • I have to visit the 7 wonders of the world 🌍
  • I need to become YouTube’s biggest star ⭐️
  • I have to become a doctor 👩‍⚕️

All of these sentences have a specific intent that describes what a user seeks to accomplish in the next few years of their lives. For example, in the sentence: I have to become a doctor 👩‍⚕️, the intent is to become a doctor.

self_action sentences are structured to be in the following formats:

  • I want to _ _ _
  • I need to _ _ _

Self Identity Sentences

A self_identity is a sentence format that describes a self attribute of a user that makes them special or unique in some way. Here are some examples:

  • I am a student 👨‍🎓
  • I am a teacher 👨‍🏫
  • I am a father 👨‍👧‍👦

All of these sentences describe a personal attribute that describes a user. For example, in the sentence: I am a student 👨‍🎓, the identity is student.

self_identity sentences are structured to be in the following formats:

  • I am _ _ _
  • I am a _ _ _

Self Achievement Sentences

A self_achievement sentence describes a user’s achievement or a possession that is important to them. Here are some examples:

  • I have an amazing family 👨‍👧‍👦
  • I have a lovely wife 🙍
  • I have a really cool job 💼

All of these sentences simply describe a valuable entity in a user’s life. In the sentence: I have a really cool job 💼, the valuable achievement is really cool job.

self_achievement sentences are structured to be in the following formats:

  • I have a _ _ _
  • I have an _ _ _

Always there

Of course, having all of these wouldn’t make a single change in the user’s behavior if the user wouldn’t care to open the app after a while. Like any other app would do, FIQ App uses push notifications set as a scheduled event at 3 points throughout the day to infiltrate the user’s busy life and remind not to say yes to bad habits. The user will start the day with a motivational message such as the ones generated in the previous section ☝️ and at the end of the day…’ll checkup on you like a mom

Imagine having your mother checkup on you everyday to see if you reverted back to all your bad habits. That’s exactly what FIQ does. At the end of the day, FIQ sends a daily checkup notification to track if you managed to survive the day without continuing your bad habits and addictions. A message like this will popup on your device 👇

If you had failed the day, FIQ might say something offensive back to you. Like this…

Of course, it’ll be nice to you if you say NO to bad habits 🙌

New things are coming to FIQ! 🎉

We are constantly improving FIQ and as this blog is being written, we are working on the following updates for you 🙌

🔥 Streaks — You’ll soon be able to see how many times you gave in to bad habits in a week/month/year and how many days you managed to stay away from them continuously!

👋 Involve a friend/family member — You’ll soon be able to get a friend or a family member to help you with your FIQ journey. They can track your progress on their devices and choose to send you an offensive message when you fall out

Completions — We would love to know when you successfully get over bad habits and addictions using FIQ. This will give you a simple button that says ‘Yep, I managed to quit’ that’ll allow you to share your streaks and statistics with your friends and family.

Stay in touch 👋

We tweet while we make. So let’s keep in touch and we would love to keep hearing from you. Maybe say hello to us on twitter?

Dinuka 👉 @its_dinuka

Shehan 👉 @kevinshehan

