Go to makers-team-coad
See us document our learning progress while creating a Facebook-like app with Ruby-on-Rails.
Note from the editor

See us document our learning progress while creating a Facebook-like app with Ruby-on-Rails.

Go to the profile of Oliver Baum
Oliver Baum
Sep 2018 Student at Maker's Academy, London. I write extensions, workflows and keyboard shortcuts for Popclip, Alfred and BetterTouchTool. Applescript geek. :)
Go to the profile of Andres Faraone-Pirie
Go to the profile of Darcie Walsh
Darcie Walsh
Software Engineer @ MVF 🐙
Go to the profile of Cristina María Ocaña Manzano
Go to the profile of Oliver Baum
Oliver Baum
Sep 2018 Student at Maker's Academy, London. I write extensions, workflows and keyboard shortcuts for Popclip, Alfred and BetterTouchTool. Applescript geek. :)