Shubh-Labh — A Digital Detox for Business Founders & Owners

Manjunath Nanjaiah
Published in
4 min readFeb 12, 2019

Last call, for 2-days Residential Retreat — Feb 17th to Feb 19th, 2019, Bangalore

Invest in yourself, not in your reflections

Intractable problems and Gordian knots faced by business owners and founders today

Below are some of the Gordian knots faced by business owners in the new era of rapid innovation, continuous improvement and continuous delivery.

  1. Venture: Exploring Product-market fit with multiple experiments, almost daily. When to Hold/Fold each experiment?
  2. Leader: Multiple Pivots are a reality. As a leader, are you making intentional shifts, or accidental shifts?
  3. Product: Is my product/offering easily understood, is it too ordinary or is it too special?
  4. Sales: Build first or Sell first (especially if you are pivoting)? How will I deal with Rejection, and gain Traction?
  5. Relationships: What is the nature of mutual well-being we hold, with our partners and alliances?
  6. Establishment: How will my venture-experiments help me establish my business in the marketplace? How will I reach Growth & Profitability?

What is Shubh-Labh? A space to find answers within you, to most of the above problems!

A 2 day residential retreat, a digital detox, in the silent campus of SAIACS CEO-center (Bangalore), to be with a community of other business founders. Its a space where you relax, refresh and reinvent yourself and your business, and most importantly find answers to the Gordian knots above.

Benefits of Shubh-Labh

Why are we doing this? And why you should attend?

  1. We posit that Business is a Reflection of You! Hence with Maker’s practice, we are soliciting and collaborating with business founders/owners to embrace “inside-out” practices, of building our businesses.
  2. We have personally felt, a rich experience of purposeful solutions unfolding, within ourselves, for both personal and business challenges, with “inside-out” life-practices. Hence we are offering Shubh-Labh, as a residential retreat, and are inviting fellow-founders in the startup community to participate and contribute to the growth of Maker’s practice community.
  3. We have realized there is great pleasure in Business Success, but a wholistic-way (well-being and profitability) is critical for business success, hence with Maker’s practice and workshops like Shubh-Labh, we are engaging business founders/owners in “wholistic inside-out” practices, to build our businesses.
  4. We value the sense of belonging in the fraternity of business founders/owners, hence with Shubh-Labh type workshops, we are organizing founders/owners, who can find pride in supporting, nurturing and caring for other founders/owners.
  5. We think Maker’s practice has great potential, so we wish to establish cohorts and a system, of continuously improving business-success-practices, where founders/owners are passionate about crafting best-practices to establish success, in each of their own businesses.

Most importantly Maker’s Practice framework and practices are born out of lived-experiences and learnings, from creating Tally-Partner network, cultivating the iSPIRT-community culture, and from the business and life struggles of Shoaib Ahmed (ex-President Tally Solutions) and Manju Nanjaiah (ex-Chief Cultural Officer at iSPIRT).

Maker’s Practice Framework for Organizational Development

Why you should attend? Its a unique Experience!

Apart from digital detox and the benefits, mentioned above in the Shubh-Labh image, the workshop is a premium experiential retreat designed for individual leaders and business founders groups, to learn from experiences rather than concepts or intellectual frames. Unlike bootcamps or hard solitary contemplation like Vipassana, Shubh-labh immerses you in real-world business issues, where social contemplation and group-sharing uplifts the group and especially the individual. With every session being experiential, you can learn, how to make purposeful products that people love, how to create a joyful cadence of interactions with your users, how to build a proud community of happy users, and how to build a company culture poised for growth and happiness.

Invest in your SELF and the Maker within you. Don’t wait, you will be ruing missed opportunities.

If you are inspired to invest in your SELF and the maker within you, want to attend the Shubh-Labh workshop, and most importantly, want to be a part of the exclusive maker’s practice community, please fill up your details by clicking this! Also, please spread the word to your friends and fellows. Look forward in anticipation to work with each and everyone of you. Good luck and all the very best!



Manjunath Nanjaiah

Live joyously, Evolve consciously is my motto. I am a Technology Entrepreneur by work and head, a community builder by heart and a facilitator by gut.