Artificial intelligence (AI) in medicine: current position and perspectives

emlyon business school
Published in
2 min readNov 14, 2018

The advances, transformations and fears linked to artificial intelligence are raised on a daily basis, and in all areas: safety, work, transport, energy and health. François Le Grand presents his research, performed with Nicolas Houy*, on the applications of AI to medicine, specifically in relation to the optimisation of oncology care protocols. When AI becomes a decision support tool for choosing the most favourable combination of treatments. Explanations.

What is AI?

AI is currently a very fashionable term, which has become almost synonymous with revolution in the medical field. As it is not always easy for external observers, whether they are investors, clients or patients, to know what the technology encompasses, the term can sometimes be misused, particularly in the press releases of certain technologies. For these technologies, the exact role of AI is not always clearly explained and does not even appear to be a relevant solution in every case. The suspicions of observers are therefore legitimate.

To avoid these difficulties in the present article, we only address applications relating to verifiable elements, whether they are scientific publications or open-source software. In general, AI is currently useful in two main fields of medicine: statistical analysis and optimisation. Nicolas and I work in this last area.

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