Making a Side Project

Mubashar Iqbal
Make Side Project
Published in
4 min readOct 11, 2017


Yesterday I tweeted that I’d be making one more “big” app before the end of the year. I asked if people preferred if I document the process as I go, or do a recap post at the end of the project.

The votes are in, and resoundingly you prefer that I document the process as I go.

I’ll be starting the project, I don’t know what yet, next week. Deciding what to make is part of the process, so you’ll get to see behind the curtain from start to finish.

I’ll be going a little slower than I usually go, because well I’ll be documenting things as I go. I want to give time for people to ask questions and share their thoughts on my decisions, maybe you’ll even change my mind on some things.

I typically building things with other people, but this one feels different, especially since I’m documenting everything. So I’ll likely be flying solo. I may ask for help or hire people for specific tasks I feel would be done better by other people.

The basic plan …

💡 Ideation



Mubashar Iqbal
Make Side Project

2016 @ProductHunt Maker of the Year. Making side projects for fun and profit.