Tara Lee

Community Support Lead

Jack Reid
5 min readJan 4, 2017

Tara is a key part of the Community Support team, trying to solve users’ problems day by day. She dreams of space travel and swimming with pigs… read on below.

When did you first hear about Depop?
I’m not sure. Maybe online? I know I was using it before Simon P, who started working here before me. He was the one who actually said I’d should go for the job here.

How did you know him?
I was his boss. We used to work for an app called Handy. When I joined it it was an independent little startup called Mop, and I was one of the first ones working there, just after its two bosses. Then they grew super fast and got bought by Handy. Simon and I used to work together in the customer service department, I was his Supervisor.

When did you join Depop?
July 2015, I think.

What do you do at Depop?
I work in the Community Support team. I help all users with their enquiries, issues, and so forth.

What do you like about Depop?
Everything! Seriously. I used it long before I came here and it’s such an easy way to sell things, so much more fun than eBay.

Where do see Depop going in five years?
Hopefully it will be the app to have and the new social media platform, one of the most popular ones out there worldwide.

What’s the weirdest or coolest thing you bought on Depop?
I bought from @dollylovesdallas two paper dolls of Eddie and Patsy, two Absolutely Fabulous characters. They have movable limbs and everything, and I’m gonna put them in box frames. They’re so cool!

Tell us a bit about your background.
I was born and raised in Southampton, Essex, and I haven’t really moved. I lived abroad for a year in Ibiza for a working holiday kind of thing, which was fun. I worked for a boat party company, I did costume design — well, I just bought costumes and made the dancers wear them really! And I also did ticket redemption. Basically you have a party before a boat party where people swaps tickets for a wristband, and I had to make sure everybody got theirs and things like that. What else… I studied Fine Arts at college, I didn’t fancy going to uni, as I didn’t fancy the uni fees so I went straight into work to start making money.

Do you do any art on the side?
I do. I haven’t done it for a while actually, but I draw and my major thing is sculpture. I don’t get much time to do that now, neither enough space nor funds to invest on materials unfortunately.

What else do you do outside of work?
Sleep! I really, really like it. I also train in Muay Thai boxing. And eat, I like that a lot too. And I watch horror films as well.

Here’s a philosophical question for you. What have you always wanted, and have you gotten it yet?
I want to go to Pig Island in the Caribbean and swim with the pigs. I really want to do that, hopefully in 2018. I’m coming for you, pigs! (laughs)

If you think back on moments in your life, what’s the happiest?
Oh this is really hard… Maybe my 8th birthday? I got a guinea pig and a rabbit and that was one of the biggest surprises ever. My dad wrapped up the cage and put it in the garden and I walked out without expecting it at all. I remember being so, so happy then.

Who’s your hero?
I think my mum. She’s super hard working, she always puts everyone before herself. She’s a social worker so she helps a lot of people who really need it and she ends up getting a lot of cards and presents from people years down the line saying ‘you’ve changed my life’ and things like that. She’s just awesome.

A few fun questions now. What is your perfect pizza?
Hawaiian. Ham and pineapple, but with barbecue sauce in the crust. Yum.

What’s the weirdest thing about you, and are you proud of it?
Oh so many things, let me see… I can lick my elbow. I’m kind of proud of that.

Oh, that’s very weird. I didn’t even know it was possible…
It’s not. You’re not supposed to be able to do that.

Would you be willing to eat a bowl of crickets for £40k?
Ugh! But uhm that’s a lot of money… Can I be drunk first?

Then yes.

And what would you do with the £40k?
It’s not that much, if you think about it. If you buy a house it’s just enough for the deposit, but then you can get a short mortgage I guess. Oh it’s such a boring answer isn’t it! (laughs) Ok so I’d probably buy a huge dog rescue farm instead.

If you had to be trapped in a TV show for a month, what TV show would it be?
Maybe Breaking Bad. It’s very exciting, lots happens, there’s a complete character change… I’d want to be Jessie. I love Jessie.

What cheers you up?
Funny memes and funny clips. Easy.

Have you ever tipped a cow?
No! I’d feel really guilty — but it’d be fun to watch.

What’s your favourite thing to spend money on?
Chocolate. Dairy Milk, it gives me joy.

You’re wearing a nice NASA jumper today…
Oh this is from Topshop, but I also have an official NASA jacket! I love astronauts and space, I’m obsessed with that. There was this sort of evening course I wanted to do, it’s in astro-physics, and you get a certificate at the end from NASA. But I’m too lazy and I just forgot.

