Let it all go, then let love in…

Alexandre V. Andrade
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2016

Then, when you’ve let it all go, you realise: You’ve lost everything you could measure, and nothing of worth. (Tamyka Bell- Aftermath. Link-https://medium.com/poets-unlimited/aftermath-d565f1c8ee80#.9c1arfkpc)

People (like you and me) like to do things without value being a wall in their lives, and this is not a bit normal.

You’ve got to learn to leave the table when love’s no longer being servede. (Nina Simone- You’ve got to learn)

And I’m not only talking ‘bout love. Everything need’s to be done with kindness since your bed ‘till your work. But some people delude themselves with a future that means more money, and think they’ll be happy and ’cause of it they suffer trying to do what they determined to their lives. And some people think that life suck’s because they don’t do nothing with love or passion, they keep saying “I don’t like it, I don’t like that” and in the end they do nothing or , when they do, it’s not as rewarding.

When parents teach their children, I think they say to do everything with love, ’cause this way life will be better. But in some break of time, people start to do things intending some reward, and that’s awful. People exchange goodness they learned by bad intentions. It’s something to think about… Back to my thoughts, people should learn again how to live the life with love, but the world keeps saying à le contraire. You can see it by the drama of the immigration, and elections. I must confess I’m scared and I know that some people are too.

With prejudice being shouted all over the world, same people began to feel unsafe. Sadly they are right. Not even a corner is the safest spot in this mad and lonely world. The worst is that our villain is nothing but the retrograde mentality of some of us. What’s wrong ‘bout loving someone who’s different, someone of the same sex? I’m trying to understand (No, I’m not trying, that’s insane). If the people who think that is unnatural to love one another, just stopped and start to go after knowledge, the thing about learn to do everything with love would be so easy…

Sadly Ultron was right ‘bout the humanity. And the thing ‘bout leave the table? I’m trying as much as I should to stay away from these people, even they do love their families, they can do a massive destruction and they are doin’. Politicians, leaders and everyone who is limited. It’s not a bit cool.

I must deal with these kind of people, but I’m not so cool with them, and I trying to do it right. And if matters…

