STANTON FILM 2015–2016
1 min readAug 29, 2015

Like the image shown, people nowadays behave the same way when they are eating out. In the image you can see that there are four girls sitting at a table with drinks in front of them. From the light on the left, you can tell that they are probably eating breakfast or lunch. You can see that each of the girls are looking down at what probably is their phone. People nowadays seem to not be able to part from their phone. This is common between friends, families, and also strangers. The connotative meaning in this image is showing that people nowadays are losing face to face interaction with those around them. People seem to interact more with their phones than the people around them. From the image you can also see that the atmosphere seems really quiet since everyone is minding their own business. People should interact more with each other and less with their phones. :)

