Earon Philip VillamoraLive the Dash.It’s 1:23 PM on a Sunday afternoon and I’m sitting on a back of a speeding pickup truck along the roads of Pinamungajan, Cebu.Sep 18
TishI Think I Accidentally did DMT when I was FiveMy mother always said a spirit of death followed me, and I suppose she wasn’t wrong.Aug 281Aug 281
Earon Philip VillamoraLive the Dash.It’s 1:23 PM on a Sunday afternoon and I’m sitting on a back of a speeding pickup truck along the roads of Pinamungajan, Cebu.Sep 18
TishI Think I Accidentally did DMT when I was FiveMy mother always said a spirit of death followed me, and I suppose she wasn’t wrong.Aug 281
British Association Holistic Medicine & HealthcareDying — the final journeyBy Peter Fenwick, Hon Senior Lecturer Kings College Institute of Psychiatry, and Department of Neuroscience, Southampton University. This…Jun 11, 2020
Mike HickmaninKnow Thyself, Heal ThyselfReturning From the Dead to Take in the PostI died on Saturday April 20th 2024. When I return home, I wonder what I will find. And what I will be grateful others did not find.Apr 2764