’Twas the Night Before Sharing…

Andrew McConnell
Making Money in the Sharing Economy
4 min readJan 11, 2016

’Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house

Nothing was buzzing, not even my mouse;

The tools were all hung in the shed with great care,

Under the ironic assumption I needed them there;

The cars were nestled all snug in the garage;

While visions of open highways danced like a mirage;

And mamma in her Snuggie, and I in mine too,

Were racking our brains wondering what to do,

So many useless items were crowding us out,

I sprang from my bed, and let out a shout:

“Away with these ‘things,’” I said in a flash,

“No more unworn jeans or that terrible sash!”

“There must be a better way,” I thought to myself,

“Why not share these things idly sitting on the shelf.”

When what to my wondering mind did appear,

But the Sharing Economy that we all now hold so dear,

With drivers old and young with automatic or stick,

Uber gets us there on time via Jane, Tom, or Nick.

Ubers and Lyfts are easier than taxis they say,

And all in an app that shows us when they’re on the way.

Now, Uber! now, SideCar! now Lyft for transportation!

On, Airbnb! on, HomeAway! on,FlipKey accommodation!

From ride and car sharing! to yurts and tree houses!

Now luxury! couchsurfing! Bring children and spouses!

For business or pleasure, with each trip you make,

Sharing makes it better, whether you give or you take;

With newfound purpose through my house I now flew,

Grabbing items for Kidizen and OfferUptoo —

And then, in a twinkling, I had a great insight,

The sharing of goods and services can make all our futures bright.

As I was just getting excited, and turned right around,

Down came new regulations, and from NIMBYs a great sound.

They had placards and clichés, from their heads to their feet,

And their anti-progressive regulations would know no defeat;

A bundle of vested interests funding their cause,

And neither progress nor innovation caused them any pause.

Their eyes — how they twinkled! With the thought of red tape!

Good ideas, and good policies from their minds could not escape!

“More taxes!” their cry, “And less rights to boot!”

“Don’t like it? Tough. Try filing a lawsuit!”

But I now had a taste of the better life that could be,

Sharing benefits my town, my guests, and of course me.

Continue sharing I will, and so with others too,

Enjoying better rides via Uber, Lyft, or Karhoo.

And when I travel to a new city, for a week or a day,

I will look for Pillow, for Guesty, for Globe, and SenStay;

So wink at those NIMBYs, they can’t help themselves

But get back to cleaning that clutter off of your shelves!

No need to speak another word, at least for the time being,

Though the battle, it still rages, and the NIMBYs, they are seething,

But for now I will leave you, at this festive time of year,

Go enjoy champagne, gin and tonic, wine, or beer;

You no longer have to worry about getting behind the wheel,

Sharing has made us safer, not a little, but a great deal.

So sharer or sharee, enjoy our economy now reinvented,

All of these benefits with no hassle?

Andrew McConnell is the CEO of rented.

Originally published at www.linkedin.com.



Andrew McConnell
Making Money in the Sharing Economy

Startup Founder and CEO at Rented.com. Husband and father. Travel enthusiast. Working on improving as I go.