8 Facebook Groups For Medium Publications!

1,249,500 People Looking For Ways To Make Money!

Deon Christie
Making Money Writing (DCM)


Medium Non-Members Can Read The Full Story HERE!

making money with medium and facebook
The image was designed with Canva by Deon Christie. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

What Will You Learn From This Article?

This Facebook Content Marketing Strategy Basics.

Sharing Nothing Else But Your Medium Post.

8 Facebook Groups That Accept Medium Links.

Basic Steps Of Using Medium For Affiliate Marketing.

This Facebook Content Marketing Strategy Basics.

If I have to put this into sequential steps, then this would be my best description. Below are the 4 basic steps and requirements for this content marketing strategy to work for you as it does for me.

It is really important to read this article to the end, so you understand how to use Medium with affiliate marketing without getting into trouble. Or without breaking any rules.

I also strongly advise you to read and understand all the Medium rules, regulations, and requirements when it comes to affiliate marketing. It is important that you understand what is allowed and what is not.

Create A Free Website For You Affiliate Offer.

Publishing A Medium Post.

Include Your Affiliate Website.

Share On Available Social networks.

Medium provides you with the option to share your publication with Twitter, Facebook (Feed, Groups, And Pages), along with LinkedIn. But whether this content marketing strategy will work for you remains to be seen.

Always remember that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to making money online. What works for one person, might not necessarily work for the next.

Your goal must be to learn, not to earn. Understand the content marketing strategy, and then simply apply it by following the steps as set out in this article.

This same strategy contributed to my medium views over the last 30 days. It's my first month back on Medium, climbing the ladder, again. But it is not the views that interest me most, but rather the percentage of reads.

The reads are important because that is where your engagement and sales as an affiliate marketer will come from. A view is just a view, and I am quite satisfied with the read ratio (around 55%) for the first month on Medium.

first month on medium with a brand new medium profile
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

But I am sharing more about my having to start over with Medium a little later in this article. Quite an interesting story too, how a simple mistake can sink you faster than you know.

But I picked myself up, dusted myself off, and here we are. Round 2! It was my mistake, and I paid the price, as simple as that. Just another lesson learned, in my book!

Besides, I’m off to a much better start than before. So, perhaps it was a good thing to start a new “chapter” in my writer’s career online. A more “educated” chapter as it stands.

Sharing Nothing Else But Your Medium Post.

The only link that you will be sharing with Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn is your published Medium post URL.

If you have set this content marketing strategy up correctly, then your affiliate websites will be accessible from your Medium post. But you also want to use the Medium post tags, as hashtags on your social post.

But we will get to the social sharing part of this strategy in the next chapter. PLUS, you will have access to 8 top Facebook Groups with almost 1.5 Million members combined.

Your Medium post must also have a featured image because that is the image that will be displayed on all major social networks. Like Facebook for instance as demonstrated below.

Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

You may want to consider creating images with Canva, by choosing to create a “presentation 16:9” image, and then download it as a PNG file, not the suggested PDF.

Then simply include this image right beneath your Medium post title and sub-title. The image displayed on social networks will usually be the first image inside your Medium post.

Now I have mentioned this in other posts, but just so you know. If you use any text with presentational images, then focus the text on the centre of the image.

The reason for this is that the image gets cropped from the side when displayed on mobile device feeds, and search engine search result pages.

Therefore, with your text focused on the sides, your entire message could be partially lost. This means your presentational attempt to create curiosity failed.

8 Facebook Groups That Accept Medium Links.

I use these exact same 8 Facebook Groups, along with a few of my own Groups for more Medium exposure. Sharing your Medium post is rather simple, and I am certain you know how to do that by now.

No need to get into all of that, I hope. But it is really pretty easy to do because the sharing options are displayed in Medium on your published post.

how to share medium posts to facebook groups
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

As illustrated above, you can see the drop-down menu inside the Facebook share window with Medium. After sharing your Facebook home feed, you also want to share your content with these groups.

But your content must be within the “writing”, “creating content” and “making money online” niches, because that is what the (almost) 1.5 million group members are interested in. Ways to make money online.

Make Money Online Club — 221.1K Members

Make Money Online Club Europe — 113.6K Members

Make Money Online Club Russia — 66.3K Members

Make Money Online Club Australia — 153.0K Members

Network Marketing Pro — 61.9K Following

Clickbank Affiliate Success — 45.5K Following

Affiliate Marketing Work — Worldwide — 265.0K Following

Affiliate Marketing — Worldwide — 323.1K Following

Simply join the above groups, and once you have you can share your Medium publication with the group. Simply type the FB Group name in the search window provided. And then share it with the group.

sharing medium publications with various facebook groups
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

But don’t forget to share on Twitter too and on LinkedIn. As mentioned earlier, also use the Medium post tags you chose when publishing as hashtags.

If you like you can also use a tool called hashtags (dot) org to find trending hashtags. Personally, I just prefer using the Medium post tags as hashtags.

You might also choose to do a bit more Facebook research and find your own groups, related to your Medium content. Because this content marketing strategy will work with any niche.

So, if your niche is not within the “making money online” parameters, perhaps “weight loss”. Then just find the appropriate groups that will accept your posts and apply the same basics.

Please bear in mind that this is not a “set and forget” content marketing strategy. You don’t just share your work once and be done with it. Any content marketing strategy needs consistent activity.

Work your way through your Medium publications, and apart from sharing when you publish. Also, keep sharing the other posts again but work with a plan.

Work your way down your Medium posts so you don’t share the same posts too close to one another. In my opinion, having around 30–40 Medium posts is a good number to get started with.

Share just one, or a maximum of 2 posts per day, per Facebook Group. But don’t “overdo” it, you will get blocked from sharing with groups. This is a content marketing strategy, not a magic button, and it will take time.

Basic Steps Of Using Medium For Affiliate Marketing.

Although the sales results with this content marketing strategy are still a bit slow. Do bear in mind that I had to start over on Medium, and this is my first month back.

It has been a rather challenging month, but the point is to keep going because I don’t know how to quit. Luckily, starting over on medium has its advantages.

This time I am starting over with over a decade’s worth of knowledge and failure to back me up. Game on! Do not allow the “slow” sales to scare you off.

Remember that this is a content marketing strategy, and any CMS takes time to gain proper traction. The point is that this particular content marketing strategy proved itself effective.

generating affiliate sales with facebook and medium
Author account screenshot. The image was captured with “Paint 3D”. Shared by Deon Christie for demonstration and illustration purposes. The author assumes responsibility for the provenance and copyright. The author assumes responsibility for the authenticity.

If it did not, then I wouldn’t even be wasting my time writing about it. By now you should know that my passion (obsession) is finding, compiling, and testing different content marketing strategies to find the ones that work.

The Basic Steps of using Medium to generate sales with affiliate marketing start by creating (free) websites and bridge pages (Google Sites). Create a separate site for every separate affiliate product.

The point is to share an indexable URL, other than the affiliate link. From your websites and/or bridge pages, you redirect to the affiliate products. Once created, you can share these websites and bridge pages in your Medium post.

Personally, I use a “quote block” in my Medium articles, with a quote from the website or bridge page. Then simply link to the “source” (website with affiliate offer).

But you must also include an affiliate disclosure with every Medium article that contains links to websites and bridge pages that redirect to affiliate products.

Then you simply use the sharing options provided by Medium as discussed under the heading “8 Facebook Groups That Accept Medium Links.” Earlier.

A simple but effective content marketing strategy. Why? Well, it did generate sales. Perhaps not millions of dollars, but the point is that it works.

This way of writing Medium posts is also accepted in many major Medium publishers like ILLUMINATION, ILLUMINATION’S MIRROR, SYNERGY, Reader’s Hope, and Bootcamp.

I have had several of my posts published with these publishers, but if you want to get them published. Then one of the major requirements is image attribution. Image provenance and image copyright.

You may want to understand that first, before submitting your articles to Medium publications. But this is just an added bonus!

This is also how you set up multiple income streams. By combining different methods, to form independent content marketing strategies that take your visitor on a journey.

A journey fueled with curiosity tends to last right up to the destination (your affiliate offer).

Today all my website traffic is generated from my own efforts, efforts that I have perfected over the years that have created up to 16,364 targeted visitors per day and returned revenue in excess of (See For Yourself Inside) per month! — Source

AFFILIATE DISCLOSURE: Some of the links in this post are links to affiliate offers. If you visit them to make a purchase, I will earn a commission. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is entirely up to you. All offers come with a full money-back guarantee!

Free Stuff For My Medium Subscribers.

All new subscribers on Medium will receive 4 free gifts. 2 of my top traffic eBooks, and 2 free memberships (invitation only) for buyer traffic tools I use. Subscribe to me (Deon Christie) on Medium and your free stuff will be emailed to you asap. Medium has no affiliation, nor do they endorse the free giveaway in any way. It is my personal free giveaway to all new Medium subscribers.



Deon Christie
Making Money Writing (DCM)

Article Writing SEO For Affiliate Marketing | Free Buyer Traffic Methods. On Medium Since October 2022. Online Since 2011. https://easyinternetmoneyandjobs.com