Playing the Piano Helps Me With My Depression

Seth Goonewardene
Making Music
Published in
4 min readJan 5, 2022

Music saved me. It gave me a positive outlet to express my depression in a creative, non-self destructive way.

Photo by Luke Besley on Unsplash

Let’s get this out of the way.

I’ve personally struggled with depression for many years now. I’ve also done almost every self-destructive thing to help alleviate the emotional pain locked deep inside myself. But you know how being self-destructive goes, it is only a temporary fix that just creates an even bigger hole in your heart as time goes on.

If I could describe the phrase “continuously doing self-destructive things to help with depression”, it is like repetitively putting on a fresh band aid on an open wound that never heals and never stops bleeding. Sure you can keep slapping on the band aids but eventually the blood keeps seeping through them.

You don’t solve the problem. You just try to pretend it doesn’t exist. And you just keep doing that until you can’t hide it anymore.

That was me. For many years.

I like to think that I am a lot better now than I was back then.

That being said, I will say that during the many years of my depression I started getting into playing the piano a lot.

I feel like that really saved me emotionally and mentally.

Granted, I still only play sad songs, but when I play those types of songs, I can really feel all those powerful emotions resonate deep within my soul.

There’s just something about using my own 2 hands to play something beautiful out of seemingly nothing.

Before playing the piano, there is dead silence and when I’m playing it…it’s like seeing vibrant colors again after being shut in a black and white world for so long. It’s hard to explain.

For many years I had used my depression, my negative energy to do negative things and all I got back was guess what? Surprise surprise, it was more negativity.

However, when I started using the piano to channel my depression into something positive, that’s when things started to look brighter.

Photo by allanlau2000 on Pixabay

When I play the piano now I just feel more at peace with myself.

Whenever I struggled internally with something or I was feeling restless, the piano was always there for me to play. To get whatever it was on that day, off my chest. And this method really works for me.

Now I will say, that playing the piano isn’t the only thing that helps me with my depression. But you won’t know what those are unless you try to do different things.

For me, most days it was playing the piano, other days it was drawing a piece of artwork, listening to music, writing in my journal, watching anime, or learning new skills…etc.

I know from experience that it is very easy to do nothing when you are depressed. But doing nothing results in nothing changing.

If you want your life to change for the better, you have to put in the necessary effort to change on your own.

For the record, I am still working on this. It’s an ongoing process.

Also, if you don’t have the willpower to change on your own, seek help from a positive support system like your friends, family, or find a therapist that you can talk to without judgement.

Just know that whatever you are going through in life, you aren’t alone.

There are so many people going through the same things as you.

Though it is harder for depressed people to reach out for help on their own, if you don’t actively reach out your own hand, no one will know you are trying to reach out for help.

There are very kind people in this world, if they knew what you were going through, they will gladly reach out their hand, grasp your hand, and save you from yourself.

I wish I knew that many years ago. I really wanted someone to reach out and help me. But over time I just got so good at keeping things to myself (so I thought) that if someone saw me from the outside everything would look fine but in actuality my heart was breaking into pieces.

I think my depression is significantly better than it was before.

That said, it is still there, just not as bad as it used to be.

I hope that one day I will be able to find peace and happiness.

Well that’s all I got to say. Thank you for taking the time to read this article.

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Thanks!! :)



Seth Goonewardene
Making Music

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