Bay Intern Dine Out

Niraj Pant
Making new things and thinking about them
2 min readMar 11, 2016

I’m excited to announce that Ritwik Gupta and I are launching a new project this summer called Bay Intern Dine Out.


Bay Intern Dine Out is an informal meetup group for interns in the San Francisco Bay Area to meet up over food. Meetups are hosted at a variety of venues, including parks and co-working spaces, every in between San Francisco and the South Bay.


Ritwik and I both interned in the Bay Area during the summer of 2015 (Mid-bay and SF respectively). We found that many intern events are pretty boring. They’re too formal and networking-y and don’t optimize for having an awesome time. That’s why we’re working on this. We’re creating something more authentic and informal, allowing you to really get to know other interns in the area. Some of my best friends to date have been ones I met during my time there.

We’re hosting dine out events sprinkled throughout the summer in San Francisco, Mid-Bay, and the South Bay. I’ll be running SF operations and Ritwik will be running South Bay operations.

How does this work at scale?

We’re doing things that don’t scale. But seriously, including the vast amount of interns is a legitimate concern and a tough problem to crack. Our plan is to occasionally host larger dine outs at companies, VC firms, and co-working spaces. Also, holding several events will help us reach everyone interested.

A Little History

Leo X. Lin, a recent graduate living in San Francisco, launched the original Intern Dine Out last summer and we want to continue that momentum. We’ve worked closely with him to ensure that the quality of these events remain high and we deliver the best experience possible.

At the time, I only had a few friends in the area, since I hadn’t started college yet. These intern events will be a place to actually meet people. It increases access for people that go to small schools or work at small startups, and don’t have access to intern events.

If you like food, want to meet awesome people, or have an otherwise awesome time, come by our events! (If you’re interested in learning more, please email us at

A fun summer awaits.

Have suggestions to make Intern Dine Out even better? We’re @niraj and @ritwik_g on twitter. Check out the website here.

