Building Stakeholders Engagement around Virtual Reality Learning

Making NubianVR
Published in
3 min readSep 24, 2019

As an educational technology company — bent on propagating the gospel of Virtual Reality as a means of meeting global educational targets — we consider it essential to develop the appropriate channels to enable us to engage with key educational stakeholders.

Through our engagement with teachers, learners & school administrators in the Ga-East District we have gathered numerous insights that are shaping the solution we are currently developing — find more on our Basic Electronic Module here.

Given how extremely useful our engagement with Ga-East Education stakeholders has been we seek to be more intentional about instituting pathways that will ensure that our mission is in sync with the challenges of local educators.

Stakeholder Engagement Mechanism


  1. Borrow a VR Headset: Perspective gained from teachers after showing them 3 virtual reality experiences were very useful in shaping our current product in development. By allowing teachers to borrow a VR headset loaded with educational content we will be able to provide an opportunity for them to get acquainted with VR pedagogy. Interviews we will have with them afterward will ensure our solutions are in tune with teachers' realities.
  2. Sign-Up for a VR Masterclass: Engagement with teachers in Ga-East revealed that teachers have an appetite to build skills that will enable them to employ Virtual Reality in their classrooms. By organizing regular Masterclasses aimed at equipping teachers with skills to engage learners with mobile VR applications, we will have built an avenue for teachers to provide us feedback on their experience deploying this technology in the classroom.
  3. Book for a Classroom Exhibition: Teachers and school administrators expressed a keen interest to commence using virtual reality as part of their teaching process. Given that VR headsets are still pricy, offering schools the opportunity to rent VR devices for classroom exhibitions will offer an avenue for teachers to share VR lessons with their students without bearing the cost of purchasing headsets.
  4. Build VR Content: One of the major concerns educators have expressed concerning our proposed solution relates to curriculum alignment. In order to ensure the content we develop is effective in driving the learning outcomes teachers are interested in, we will be organizing sessions that allow us to build content jointly with local teachers as well as test our prototypes with them. This will also be useful in allowing teachers to build competence in translating their lesson plans to VR modules.


  1. Book a Consultative Session: Through our engagement with School Heads many fielded questions concerning how their school might be able to implement VR learning opportunities for their students. In order to facilitate schools' adoption of VR technology, we will provide free consultative sessions for schools to explore ways to integrate VR into their existing processes learning process.
  2. Participate in VR Trials: Given the cost associated with deploying virtual reality learning solutions, NubianVR firmly believes that it important that virtual reality content is validated to ensure that resources channeled into VR learning opportunities deliver maximum outcomes. By allowing schools the opportunity to participate in VR trials we will be able to generate evidence to prove/disprove the efficacy of VR learning methods.



Making NubianVR

NubianVR is an interactive products company with experience in building virtual reality simulation and games primarily for learning, training & fun