Life Can Lick My Lousy Lollipop

When you feel hopelessness all over again — A Prose poem

Chantal Weiss
Making Poetry Funky
2 min readJul 22, 2024


The veil slips down, and the smirk is as cold as a clown, ‘Say hello to your dissociation, a desolate dislocation’. I can’t duck or dive its isolation. The f%cking suffocation insulates my inspiration, then staggers over to smother any leftover aspirations. Peace left me not long ago, caught up in a dark thicket of fog — the disappointments of justice’s delusional cogs. I reach the very edge of the ledge of my life — wedged in, there’s no more path. The only option is to let go of what I thought my life would be. The bleakness blighted, a blank base bangs a big bone drum, raw to the core, to the door, to the floor, back to my cantankerous cancerous inner war.

What is it now, what is life? It is nothing — but it is everything. I have nothing — but I have everything, I am nothing — but I am everything. I plead and beg for knowledge, where are the answers, God? What is my truth? Where is your mercy? When will it crash through the big blue sky? Will it ricochet through my all-seeing eye, and orgasms of words erupting through my very worth? Let my words light up a soul, let them see my innocence. Let them see the battle, the chore, to drag off the chains of strain— I take some blame. Let them see the chest filled with



Chantal Weiss
Making Poetry Funky

Spiritual Badass, Writer, Mentor & Healer, and creator of journals and poetry prompt journals