Analogies Make Sense of Astrology

Because a symbol is worth a thousand words.

Shannon Hugman
Making Sense of the Universe


Pixel Parker @pixelparker

I’ve been working as an online astrologer for the past decade. During that time I’ve found the best way to get a message across is to use an analogy. It’s really the only way I convey the themes of the zodiac and here’s why.

People don’t want to be told how to feel, but they do want guidance.

Analogies help to convey concepts without connecting the dots. It gives room for people to tune into their unique interpretations, instead of thinking they need to feel a certain way.

Astrology can be notorious for placing labels on people. This can leave us disempowered. An analogy or symbol doesn’t place us in boxes or tell who we are. Instead it gives us a chance to explore the meaning and draw our own conclusions.

Analogy: a comparison between two things, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification. (from Oxford Languages)

Using analogies gives us a chance to receive an explanation for what we are experiencing. The analogy comes first, and then it’s our choice to compare.

We Get to Make Up Our Own Minds

