Backward Integration

A prompt to reflect upon & process your experiences

You Can Be Anyone
Making Sense, Or Not!
3 min readMay 9, 2020


The Universe has its own way. We reach the places we are supposed to reach, we meet the people we are supposed to meet. Somehow, looking back & reflecting on experiences- connections, patterns & relations start emerging.

Today, I encourage you to take a little time to acknowledge this miracle of the universe. Take aside a little time for yourself and pursue this Art Journaling Prompt.

Getting Started
Journaling is so much more about your thoughts and feelings and less about what colors you use or how skilled you are at drawing. Just sit down however & with whatever makes you feel comfortable.
Happy Journaling to You!

Before you attempt the prompt, take a moment for yourself to come to the present. Start with deep breathing. Inhale from your nose & exhale from your mouth. Focus on your breath. Tell yourself that whatever you were doing & whatever you have to do, it can wait! You are here, now and you want to spend this time with yourself. Tell yourself you will be honest & vulnerable. And by the end of this, you’ll know a little more about you.
You can use the following video to focus on your breathing / for meditation.

Prompt for Thought

After reading, play the music & close your eyes & think about the prompt.

Start by thinking about yourself, think about what are the kind of adjectives that come to your head, think about what are the things that make you unique, think about the things that make you brave, think about the things that make true. Think of all those times, when you witnessed yourself changing, consciously, or unconsciously.
Think of the personal pursuits that you made, the effort you took, the experiences you had, the skills your acquired, the skills you applied. Try to re-live some of these pursuits in your head. Pursuits of feelings, people, goals, places, anything & everything.
Try recollecting different highlights from different parts of your life. And as these highlights, fill up your head, try to think about lessons that you learned. Try to visualize the journey of these lessons. Try to visualize your journey with them, try to visualize how these lessons have shaped the person that you are. And once these start shaping up in your mind, at your own pace just open your eyes.

Here’s something to assist your thoughts:

Journaling Exercise

With all of these thoughts & visuals in your head, you have two ways to approach the journaling exercise:

- Pursue your natural line of thought with whatever it is that comes to your head at the moment after the prompt for thought.

- Prompt: Capture the essence of how as humans we are in so many ways, a product of our experiences, the people we meet, the places we go, the things we read, the conversations we have & perhaps even little of the ones we don't. Visualize what you think are the various experiences that came together & how they, in their own little ( or big ) ways make ‘You’.

Closing Remarks

Thank You so much for attempting this prompt, being honest, vulnerable & most importantly for taking out time to sit down with yourself, your thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

I would love to see & listen to what this exercise made you feel, experience, and do. Feel free to share your journaling reflection via email at:

Looking forward to hearing from you.



You Can Be Anyone
Making Sense, Or Not!

A project by Molabocha at Safe Space Studio to connect passionate & creative individuals to co-curate & nurture their passions.