A Universal Language For Those Who Are Left Behind

Steven Mulvey
Published in
2 min readDec 8, 2016

Our society is divided.

Politics seems to be the greatest example of this right now. While US President-elect Trump is calling for unity, unity looks further away than ever. How can we move on? How do we bring back harmony to humanity?

It starts with recognising the root causes.

Our population is booming. We are expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. Globalisation is moving jobs abroad which offers better margins for businesses. Immigration due to wars, life improvement and economics is at an all-time high. While not the only reasons these factors have played a big role in why people feel left behind. These problems are complex and they are not going away.

The 60+ age group will grow dramatically by 2050

All of these big issues need to be addressed but lets take immigration. Perceived cultural and language barriers are causing a problem.

The first step to unity is understanding each other. How can we tackle cultural integration without open and honest discussion? While Social technology has never been so effective as a platform for speaking it is ineffective as a platform for listening.

The way we communicate has evolved over a long time. We are designed to use all our senses together to exchange ideas and engage each other in an emotional way. However we are unable to connect this way through digital technology. Without the emotional touch we have trouble detecting truth, we share news without reading it and we stop treating each other with care.

Let’s start speaking a language we can all understand.

We need to incorporate all our senses to engage in genuine conversations.

To ensure the future dependants are not left behind during this change we must advance emotionally intelligent computing. We need a digital universal language that serves the whole human. That speaks to the rational part and the emotional part of ourselves equally in any language for any age.

With this new human-computer interaction we can start to have genuine, thoughtful and compassionate conversations again.

CrowdEmotion provides the layer of emotional recognition, interpretation and response at a global scale for people who operate in the emotional era. Find out more at www.crowdemotion.co.uk

