Battle Of The Xmas Ads

Steven Mulvey
Published in
3 min readDec 14, 2016

Yes it’s the most wonderful time of the year, again.

Tis the season to throw out the winter blues and deck the halls with red, green and gold. Grab a hot glühwein, belt out a couple of carols and join the winter spend-fest the retail industry calls ‘The Peak Season’.

The big shops have brought out their big guns. Marketing departments across the western world let loose their lavish creations in a battle to savagely out-schmaltz each other. As a whole, every Xmas campaign has been successful. There is increased engagement compared to adverts from the other times of the year.

However some ads did better than others. We took our A.I based emotional technology to find out who will win the battle of the Xmas ads?

Remove the glasses and you have a Donald Trump Stress reliever. Sainsbury’s, The Greatest Gift.

Losing the no 1 spot from 2015, Sainsbury’s The Greatest Gift Ranks 5th in engagement but with less overall happiness than Aldi and Tescos, it still has 30% more happiness than normal.

Boots, The Gift Of Beauty.

Boots advert features the working women of Xmas. Boots, The Gift of Beauty.

Placing 4th the Boots ad has the highest level of disgust against norms. This is normal considering the ad’s theme and visuals of women working during Xmas. On a side note, the Boots ad features working women while the M&S ad features non-working women. Has this affected the ads’ overall engagement?

Waitrose, Coming Home.

Only David Attenborough’s soothing voice can revive this plucky bird. *SPOILER ALERT* it’s fine. Waitrose, Coming Home.

The story of the plucky bird came a close 3rd. With nearly 80% more happiness and 60% more surprise than normally found in adverts. Interestingly it also has the least drop in fear at around 10% less than norms. This shows the advert uses fear to great effect.

M&S, Christmas with love from Mrs Claus.

All this kid deserves for Xmas is a lump of coal. M&S, Christmas with love from Mrs Claus.

With 70% surprise and nearly 60% happiness above normal Christmas with love from Mrs Claus nearly comes in 1st place. It has the most sadness of the ads tested which is aligned with the story of the ad.

And the winner for 2016 is…

John Lewis, Buster The Boxer

This boxer is the official King of Xmas. John Lewis, Buster The Boxer.

Engagement-wise this ad just edges ahead of M&S and Waitrose. However with a whopping 120% more happiness and nearly 60% more surprise than normal it beats the competition.

After losing the top spot last year to Sainsbury’s, John Lewis has won our hearts once again.

CrowdEmotion provides the layer of emotional recognition, interpretation and response at a global scale for people who operate in the emotional era. Find out more at

