Emoji’s: A Powerful Engagement Tool.

Oliver Outen
Published in
2 min readJul 26, 2016

Like neodymium magnets, Emojis are both a product of japan and contain a strong attractive force.

The funny little glyphs are now a ubiquitous sight on every social media platform. In fact, Emojis are so prevalent that they now come in different racial and gender flavours so we can all use them equally.

How do Emojis stand in relation to consumer engagement and brand success?

Twitter have profited largely out of the Age of Emojis. In early 2016 The New York Times found global brands such as Coca-Cola and Starbucks had paid Twitter in excess of £1 Million each for customised Emoji designs in their promotional campaigns. Twitter now runs a system similar to hashtags based on the types of Emojis the users use to allow brands to targets consumers.

So would investing in Emojis benefit your brand? YES!

Marketing firm Appboy found Emoji-based push notifications on both Apple and Android devices increased 210% and then 1,063% year on year. Most importantly, the conversion rates of Emoji-based campaigns into customer brand interaction increased 135% in 2015.

Also take Facebook’s ‘Reactions’ system. It allows users to respond to posts of all types with more than just a ‘Like’. Haha, Wow, Sadness, Anger and Love can all be expressed with their new reaction emojis.

Emojis are racially diverse and gender flexible. They have become a universal communication tool. However, they also do something else that is great. They can be used to visualise emotions very well. An Emoji can distill a whole paragraph of text down to one feeling.

So if you want to emotionally engage an audience, use more Emojis in your content.

Find out more about engaging your audience emotionally at CrowdEmotion

