Matt Celuszak
2 min readFeb 10, 2017


CrowdEmotion enables technology to see, hear, and feel the way humans do. Our aim is to improve how humans and machines advance humanity together. The technology is complex. The team is specialised.

3 years ago, we also realised we were too early for the market, but needed the lead time to develop the team.

So, we boot strapped a core technology and consultancy business to float our timing. When you boot strap a business, you near death enough times to learn what stabilises a company. People. Good people.

As a founder, I focused on hiring the best skills to plug gaps and earn cash. As a CEO, I learned these skills only become the best when people are good.

By good, think generous. Think considerate. Think dependable. Think smart.

Good people innately come together to overcome obstacles. They push each other to persevere through tough times. They give others around them a reason to wake up and get excited.

CrowdEmotion are among the best in emotion artificial intelligence. Not simply because we know what we are doing. Mainly because we bring good people to every problem, project, and customer we work with.

As a CEO, I reflect on our tough and great times to come back to the single most important lesson:

Good people unlock the Best.

If you are starting out, your business will change daily.

Hire good people. Work with good people. Promote good people.

This does not stop at team. This applies to suppliers, customers, investors and anyone else you decide to spend your time with.

Don’t let logic counter gut feeling when it comes to good people. The best may not always be good, but good people always unlock the best.


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Matt Celuszak

Curious Explorer, people watcher, passionate problem solver Founder @CrowdEmotion