Failover & Recovery with Repmgr in PostgreSQL 11

Shivanshi Srivastava
Making smalltalk
Published in
6 min readFeb 13, 2020

Configuring replication for databases is the best strategy towards achieving high availability. PostgreSQL streaming replication using Repmgr can satisfy this requirement and PostgreSQL being our key database in Smallcase analytics, it’s important to keep it highly available and be failover resistant. In this blog, we will see how to do this using REPMGR and fully automate recovery and failover. We have also made use of Postgres triggers to bring back our cluster when the failed node comes up. Underlying configurations are done for UBUNTU 18.04, you can go ahead and explore the methodology and replicate for others as well.

How Does Replication Work in PostgreSQL

In a PostgreSQL replication setup, you have 2 types of servers. A master server a slave server. The database records of the master server are duplicated to the Slave servers. You can read from the slave servers using the IP addresses of the slave servers. But you can add new data only to the master server. All the servers are synced up. So if any of the master servers fails, one of the slave servers can take over and become the new master. That’s how PostgreSQL can handle database requests without any interruption even if some of the servers fail in a master/slave configuration.

Replication Flow

Postgres and Repmgr Installation

Both the nodes should have this configuration

$apt-get install apt-transport-https
$echo "deb stretch-$2ndquadrant main" > $/etc/apt/sources.list.d/2ndquadrant.list
$wget --quiet -O - | apt-key add -
$apt-get install postgresql-11 postgresql-11-repmgr
$systemctl stop postgresql
$echo "postgres ALL = NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/pg_ctlcluster" > /etc/sudoers.d/postgres

It’s important that the nodes can inter-SSH via Postgres user (Why? We will come to that later, so, for now, paste the public key in the data directory and the private key in .ssh directory).

Once the installation is complete, we will change the Postgres and Repmgr config so that they can communicate with each other and other nodes.

1. In postgresql.conf(default: /etc/postgresql/11/main/)

listen_addresses = <subnet CIDR Block>’(So that it can listen from all nodes in same network, or keep it ‘*’ to listen from anywhere)
shared_preload_libraries = 'repmgr'
max_wal_senders = 15
max_replication_slots = 15
wal_level = 'replica'
hot_standby = on
archive_mode = on
archive_command = ''(a cp command to any directory you want archives to be saved)

2. In pg_hba.conf ( default: /etc/postgresql/11/main/pg_hba.conf)

Note: You can also mention a Range here rather an IP

host repmgr      repmgr PRIMARY IP/32   trust
host repmgr repmgr SECONDARY IP/32 trust
host replication repmgr PRIMARY IP/32 trust
host replication repmgr SECONDARY IP/32 trust

Note: You can also mention a Range here rather an IP
Run **sudo systemctl restart postgresql** to reflect the changes made above. Your postgres should be listening on port 5432 if all configurations are correct till now. If not stop here and check the configurations again.

Configuring the primary server

In Postgres data directory (Default:/var/lib/postgresql) create a repmgr superuser and a repmgr database where it will save the state of all nodes and events happening in the cluster

$createuser — replication — createdb — createrole — superuser repmgr
$createdb repmgr -O repmgr

Next, we will make changes to repmgr.conf to register the current node as primary

conninfo='host=ip user=repmgr dbname=repmgr'
promote_command='repmgr standby promote -f /etc/repmgr.conf log-to-file'
follow_command='repmgr standby follow -f /etc/repmgr.conf — log-to-file'

In this file, only 4 parameters are mandatory: node_id, node_name, conninfo, data_directory You can find a documented repmgr.conf [here]
Now it’s easier to keep a check on repmgr if you run it as a deamon (at /etc/default/repmgrd).


Restart your repmgrd service for it to reload as a daemon. Run `sudo service repmgrd restart` .**Note** You can check if repmgrd is running with `ps aux | grep repmgrd`. If that is not the case, then run repmgrd manually to check for errors. 😟

There is also an issue with repmgrd which does not load the right path for the pg_ctl postgresql. To solve it just create a symbolic link.

$/usr/lib/postgresql/11/bin/pg_ctl /usr/bin/pg_ctl

To register your primary node in the cluster

$repmgr primary register
$repmgr cluster show

Great, you have added your primary node. 👍

Configuring the standby server

Similar to the Primary node create a repmgr.conf file and change the node_id and node_name. Also, change the repmgrd file as given above and restart your repmgrd service(Run `sudo service repmgrd restart`) for it to reload as a daemon.

Now, To register your secondary node

$sudo systemctl stop postgresql
$repmgr -h masterIP -U repmgr -d repmgr standby clone
$sudo systemctl start postgresql
$repmgr cluster show

You have your cluster setup. 🔥

Repmgr Cluster with two nodes

Test Failover with Repmgr

To simulate a failover, stop primary node Postgresql service and simultaneously watch the repmgr logs (`tail -f /var/log/postgresql/repmgr/log`) in standby node.

And now if you see the standy → primary happened very quickly but what happens once your old primary comes up, repmgr somehow is not able to automatically update that node and bring it up as standby until you manually register it as SECONDARY and you will come across a situation where repmgr has two primary nodes runnning( one active and one inactive)

This is how your node status will look like.

Two Primary Nodes Running, Active and Inactive

The workaround that I found was using the Postgresql functionality of triggers. By now, you must have figured that Repmgr maintains a database of its own where it has certain tables, one of them is ‘events’. To see that,

$psql -U repmgr (Login to Repmgr database)
$select * from table events;

Now the idea is to put an update trigger on table events so that when an event **standby_promote** is added to the table, a script is triggered that will bring back the old primary as the new standby.

Automated Recovery with Repmgr

The script I invoked was a bash script, therefore I needed *.plsh* extension in my database. You can write it in any other language and install the required extension. To Download the extension follow the steps here.

Once it’s installed, login to the Repmgr database and create the extension.

$Psql -U repmgr
$Create extension plsh; (Execute this only on primary node.)

Next, we will create a function and a trigger to invoke the script. Login to your Postgres database and create a function that executes the failover_promote script when invoked.

$CREATE FUNCTION failover_promote() RETURNS trigger AS $$
/bin/bash /var/lib/postgresql/ $1 $2

Create an update trigger on the events table to invoke the function we created above.

$create trigger failover 
after insert
on events
for each row
execute procedure failover_promote();

You can create a in `/var/lib/postgresql` or any other location but it should be similar to the location mentioned in the function. You can clone that I used from [here]. You can change the script according to your use case but the idea is for an action plan once primary fails.

Test fully automated failover with Repmgr

To simulate a failover of primary stop Postgres in primary and simultaneously watch the Repmgr logs in standby node.

Repmgr logs showing fully Recovery

Here if you take a look at the logs after the standby is promoted to the new primary, it is pinging the failed node and the moment it’s reachable it will run a script that will back up the latest data on the old primary and bring it up as new standby.

Yes, finally it’s done. 🎉

I know configuring this is a task and there may be areas where you might differ with me. Please comment if you find any loopholes in this model and feel free to comment if you have any questions.

Originally published at on February 13, 2020.



Shivanshi Srivastava
Making smalltalk

Striving to be the best, not the perfect | Mad over Desserts | Desserts when Mad| Devops Engineer