The Beautiful Power of Yoga

Justin Heap
Making The Future
Published in
4 min readJan 9, 2017


Breathing is energy. Actually, as I see it, breathing is a beautiful, powerful act of making the future. Quite literally, without breath, we have no energy: we have no future.

My fascination with breathing started in 2004 when I began studying Jewish forms of meditation –which are grounded in contemplative breathing practices, solitude, and meaningful repetition. I then found myself, years later, returning to intentional breathing exercises as conditioning became more important than strength — basically, I was getting older. Haha. It didn’t matter that I could lift x-amount of weight if I was getting winded doing it.

Fast forward to today. I am older still. Shocking, I know. My weight is creeping up and my exercise habits are slowing down. If I’m honest, the thoughts that keep me up at night are ones of opportunity: will I be able to run with my son, bend over to pick up my grandkids, dance the nights away at my daughters’ weddings. The questions I find myself asking the most are about energy and awareness. In my estimation, energy is better than strength and health is better than growth.

As an überbeginner of Yoga, I am finding that it is proving to be the worthy pursuit of energy and health, as well as tone and strength. By the way, I am writing of the postures (Asana) and not the Social Ethic Codes (Yoga proper) or Personal Values (Yamas). Read AlexxSloan’s piece, “Yoga Isn’t What You Think It Is,” for more information.

The distinct appreciation for breathing exercises, beautiful lines, and awareness is refreshing. In this manner, I can clearly see how the holistic habits of yoga practice, today, will create a more energetic, healthier future.

But, back to breathing. Yoga –and breathing– is the perfect example of what The Future is about: slowing down enough to look at something ordinary (yoga) and pausing long enough to make wonderful connections (breathing, energy, and health). In short, it’s observation and realization that leads to breakthrough. Nothing is exactly as it seems. Patterns exist all around us, yet we are often moving too fast to notice. Onward.

Consider the nature of breathing. It’s a constant relationship of give and take. Our blood flows in and out of our heart, our lungs rise and fall within our chest. This is the model that all of life flows from. It goes without saying that we can not give or take only. There’s a beauty in this cadence.

Is it any surprise that our planet –our universe– exists within this same rhythm? We see the moon wax and wane, tides come and go, stars live and die. There’s power in this pattern.

Yoga, for me, is a practice that mimics these patterns. Yoga acts as a tool to help remind me of my identity and lead me into an awareness of my self, others, and God.

Self-awareness is a lifelong pursuit, not something you are born with. Blake Mycoskie

Consider that Yoga, as a practice, is one that appeals to art and design. The attention to line and simplicity is evident and intended. I understood more about my body’s strength and weakness after only two days of practicing yoga than through years of sports, lifting weights or cycling. I’m not saying I learned nothing from all of those general exercises –but yoga, in it’s slowness, caused me to see what I hurdled past with everything else. There’s nothing like being humbled by the inability to balance on your own two feet when you’re struggling to move from a simple lunge to a warrior pose.

Finally, consider, that some of the breaths we take are noticed, but the majority are not. We sleep through so much of what we’re given. In this way, drawing a breath –like one who draws water from a well– makes it almost magical. From where does your next breath come? How much time will pass as you inhale? How much oxygen is distributed with every long cycle? What will the energy produced within your body be used for? These are the sorts of questions that bring awareness, gratitude, and joy.

Breathing produces energy: the act of breathing is a movement into the future: a constant reminder that we are present and here, but something greater waits for us.

With every breath, every conversion of energy, we hold the potential to do something greater and with more passion than before.

These are just a few observations from my personal (and brand new) journey with yoga. I’d love hear any thoughts, tips, or observations you could share from your experiences!

Words and art by Justin Heap. Want more? Find us on Instagram, connect via Twitter, or follow us on Medium. Together, we are making the future.



Justin Heap
Making The Future

Creative Consultant & Systems Thinker writing on freelance life, ideation, art, and design. Founder of and Pax Coworking Studio.