Headed for Pain

What is Scope Creep and how can I Avoid It?

Pure Blue
Making Things That Matter
3 min readAug 8, 2018


I have never worked on a project that hasn’t had scope creep. Even in nontechnical terms, everything has scope creep.

From Wikipedia:

Scope creep (also called requirement creep, function creep, or kitchen sink syndrome) in project management refers to changes, continuous or uncontrolled growth in a project’s scope, at any point after the project begins.[1] This can occur when the scope of a project is not properly defined, documented, or controlled. It is considered harmful.

The most important part of that phrase is “This can occur when.” I would change that to this DOES occur when you work with humans. Or cats. Or anything.

I’m at the point in my career where scope creep is unavoidable. Because we are working with humans and humans are fickle, and they change their minds, and they don’t always get what you are saying. You might be a terrible communicator, or you may have an audience that doesn’t understand. The point is, scope creep cannot be avoided.

Why is scope creep bad?

Because it always costs money. Even if it doesn’t change the budget of a project. It is going to change the time required for the project, and that will cost you money. Scope creep = increase in budget. No way around it.

Customers want to know how much something costs and developers want to make sure they get paid. So there is a sort of chicken and egg scenario that happens. And developers become vague about final cost while clients keep pushing. The result is often a stressed conversation.

Developers would ideally get everything that they need to do detailed out in a nice package that can then be quoted on and developed and delivered on time and on budget. But that NEVER HAPPENS. And you want not to be surprised by increased costs and time, but you don’t know what you are asking for. I don’t think that there is ANYWAY to avoid scope creep. So, if this is going to cost you money somehow, how do we deal with scope creep?

Johnathan Stark from https://expensiveproblem.com/ explains it this way: “Yes, most people bill on an hourly basis. With enough discipline, it can even seem like it’s working. However, it’s an outdated practice born of cost accounting and factory management that was never meant as a means of setting prices for professional services in the 21st century.”

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If we look at the value of a project and agree on it from there, we can get rid of the idea of scope creep. For instance, if I am a startup and I am building a SaaS application I need developers. And the entire business will be based on that. Then the value of a developer is exceptionally high. If I had a $100 budget, I’d pay them $85 to build it. Maybe even $90. However, if I’m a dentist office with a steady referral stream from customers, I might only pay a developer $20 of my $100.

As a developer, I would pitch the idea of being on retainer till the project is done. Pay me $XX per month, and I’ll keep going till it’s done. Regardless of scope. Then I can focus on the idea of what you are doing, not on whether that change will introduce scope creep.

As a developer, I’ve done this a bunch, and it creates a WAY more relaxed and dare I say productive environment. As an entrepreneur, I love this because I can get what I need to be done when there are many unknowns.

Again, Johnathan does a great job with walking through this. I encourage you to check it out him out.

Lastly, any developer that tells you that scope creep is covered is doing one of three things:

  1. Lying. It’s not fine. They need the work and will allow you to get away with murder.
  2. Overcharging you to accommodate for the time.
  3. Doesn’t understand what is being asked.

So if you hear “no problem” know that there may be a time when this will be a problem.

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Pure Blue
Making Things That Matter

Discovery, Design and Development. We build web applications and provide services that help you and your users. https://purebluedesign.com