Lost Your Job? Pay These Bills First

The two most important things to pay for while unemployed.

Angus Peterson
The Steady Drop


Last updated: September 27, 2022

Stressing about paying bills while unemployed.
(Image courtesy of energepic, via Pexels)

Losing your job sucks.

But, wasting what little money you have while unemployed sucks more.

So what should you spend it on? Before we answer that question, let’s ask another one.

What is your primary goal now that you are unemployed?

The answer is quite simple. Find another source of income. (This means a job for most people.)

This also has a huge impact on your purchasing decisions. So, back to the original question.

What do we spend our money on during unemployment?

This answer is also quite simple, though not always easy. If our goal is to find another source of income, then our spending habits must allow us enough time to accomplish that goal.

In short, make your funds last as long as necessary to provide you with life’s basic requirements until you find that income.

Here is what to spend your money on, in order.

  1. Housing and Utilities
  2. Internet and Phone

Housing and Utilities

