A Sneak Peek at the Tuenti Challenge 8

Daniel Pañeda
Making Tuenti
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2018

7 Days

173,981 Lines of code
2,468 Attempts to solve a problem
2,076 Problems solved correctly
1,515 People registered
650 People solved at least one problem

The 8th edition of Tuenti Challenge came to an end last Friday so now is the time to recapitulate and show some stats for this edition. This year’s numbers are higher than last year’s with 1515 registrations and 650 participants able to solve at least one problem correctly.

This year we had 15 problems just like last year. But either the Challenge was easier or the participants were a lot better. Congrats to the four people were able to solve all the problems correctly!

You can see the full final ranking of the first round here.

The first stopper this year was the 7th problem, probably because it was the first non-algorithmic problem. On the other hand, a lot of people struggled with the 11th problem submission and it had the highest rate of wrong answers (35%). We’ll give you more info about this in a future post. The evil part of the challenge was 12th problem, which interacts with the participant’s computer, granting them a reboot if the correct response is not received in time.

There weren’t many changes to language choice. The most common languages were by far Python, C++ and Java, with Python being used even more this year (last year usage was 34%).

Language statistics

The Tuenti Challenge is a competition where people can show off their technical skills. It lets people interested in technology have a good time. However, it also gives visibility to Tuenti, a company with deep roots in technology, an opportunity to find highly qualified individuals for its team. The problems are a combination of programming, security and ingenuity challenges.

For those who want to keep hacking or complete any unfinished problems, the webpage for the Challenge will be available until next year ;) Lastly, we’d like to congratulate the top 30 ranked contenders and thank everyone for participating!

