Hack Me Up 31: Developing Our App

Making Tuenti
Making Tuenti
Published in
2 min readMar 28, 2017


Another quarter, another Hack Me Up. We’ve just come to the end of our most creative 32 non-stop hours with the 31st edition of our HMU. This time the Product track topic was Adding Value to the App. As always, these 32 hours gave complete freedom to its participants to create work groups with colleagues in other areas, teams or offices (4 different offices in 2 countries!) and develop their own product ideas, apart from their daily jobs.

In this edition there were around 10 projects registered. Straight to the point, the winners of this HMU31 were the following:

  • Making bubbles great again! was the winning project in the Product category. Ofer, Alex and César made a proof of concepts in our iOS app by using a UI framework called AsyncDisplayKit. They improved the chat bubbles a lot!
  • Chema raised the Geek cup thanks to his Chat alpha in k8s PoC. This project intended to deploy a chat domain, a cluster composed of several erlang instances, in kubernetes. This approach had problems in the past because of the pseudrandom containers hostnames, which is solved using kubernetes’ statefulSet”.

