Our HMU trophy

Hack Me Up 36

Joaquin Engelmo Moriche
Making Tuenti
Published in
2 min readDec 18, 2018


Another quarter, another Hack Me Up. We’ve just come to the end of our most creative two days with the 36th edition of our HMU. As always, HMU gave complete freedom to its participants to create workgroups with colleagues in other areas, teams or offices and develop their own product ideas, apart from their daily jobs.

In this edition, there were 19projects registered. Straight to the point, the winners of this HMU36 were the following:

  • Real Native Account, was the winning project in the Product category. Lot of people involved, Celia, Guillermo, Jorge, José Miguel, Pablo & Pablo. They explain his project:

“Proof of concept of how Account V2 would be, if we use the potential of native applications”

Product track winners
  • Angel, Alex, Hector, César, Miguel, Nico and Victor raised the Geek cup thanks to his Papp Crawl project:

No more getting lost between bars, and no more arguments over who is the true MVP.

Upgrade your Pub Crawl with our Papp Crawl!!!

Geek track winners

Thank you very much to all of you who participated in this edition, making it the one with the biggest number of projects registered! See you all in #hmu37!



Joaquin Engelmo Moriche
Making Tuenti

Software developer, extremeño, cocinillas y colchonero a partes iguales. 🏆AlexaChampion 👀 https://linktr.ee/kinisoftware