Indeterminate Types with Codable in Swift

Guille Gonzalez
Making Tuenti
Published in
6 min readApr 30, 2018

A companion playground for this post is available here.

Time flies. Swift 4.0 was released back in September 2017, and we have been enjoying the Codable protocol for a while. And yet, we still have some ground to cover.

Recall that the Codable protocol makes it super-easy to encode and decode values conforming to it. Oh, and it comes with Property List and JSON support. Remember the countless JSON decoding libraries before Swift 4?

In most cases, when you declare a type that adopts Codable the compiler does most of the work and synthesizes conformance. You may also need to specify a CodingKeys enumeration if the JSON keys do not match the property names.

However, there are some scenarios in which it is necessary to implement Codable manually. Having a JSON with objects whose type is determined by the value of a "type" key is one of those scenarios.

Consider a hypothetical Messaging API with support for different kinds of attachments: image, audio, etc.

"from": "Guille",
"text": "Look what I just found!",
"attachments": [
"type": "image",
"payload": {
"url": "",
"width": 640,
"height": 480
"type": "audio",
"payload": {
"title": "Never Gonna Give You Up",
"url": "",
"shouldAutoplay": true,

Because Swift is a strongly typed language, we must implement a type for each kind of attachment.

struct ImageAttachment: Codable {
let url: URL
let width: Int
let height: Int
struct AudioAttachment: Codable {
let title: String
let url: URL
let shouldAutoplay: Bool

As you can see is quite simple, until you have to implement the Message type.

struct Message: Codable {
let from: String
let text: String
let attachments: [???]

To complete the implementation of Message, we must first create an Attachment type that can hold ImageAttachment or AudioAttachment values.

There are several ways of doing this. We are going to explore two different approaches, each with its pros and cons.

Using an Enum with Associated Values

Swift has a language feature that is perfect for this situation. Enumerations can store associated values of any given type.

enum Attachment {
case image(ImageAttachment)
case audio(AudioAttachment)
case unsupported

Notice that we are adding unsupported in case our Messaging API decides to support new attachment types that we don't know how to handle.

The compiler won’t be able to synthesize conformance to Codable in this case, but it is not difficult to do it ourselves.

For the Decodable part of Codable, we must create a CodingKeys enumeration and implement init(from: Decoder).

extension Attachment: Codable {
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case type
case payload
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
let type = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .type)
switch type {
case "image":
let payload = try container.decode(ImageAttachment.self, forKey: .payload)
self = .image(payload)
case "audio":
let payload = try container.decode(AudioAttachment.self, forKey: .payload)
self = .audio(payload)
self = .unsupported

For the Encodable part of Codable, we have to implement encode(to: Encoder) by switching on self and letting the associated value encode itself.

func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
switch self {
case .image(let attachment):
try container.encode("image", forKey: .type)
try container.encode(attachment, forKey: .payload)
case .audio(let attachment):
try container.encode("audio", forKey: .type)
try container.encode(attachment, forKey: .payload)
case .unsupported:
let context = EncodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "Invalid attachment.")
throw EncodingError.invalidValue(self, context)

Finally, we need to specify the attachments type in Message.

struct Message: Codable {
let from: String
let text: String
let attachments: [Attachment]

Inspecting the attachments of any message is a simple task.

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let message = try decoder.decode(Message.self, from: json)
for attachment in message.attachments {
switch attachment {
case .image(let image):
// do something with the image
case .audio(let audio):
// do something with the audio
case .unsupported:
// ignore unsupported attachments

To support a new type of attachment, we would need to perform the following tasks:

  1. Implement a type for the new attachment.
  2. Add a new case to the Attachment enum and update its Codable implementation.

The second point is where the major drawback of this implementation lies. The Open/Closed Principle states:

Software entities should be open for extension, but closed for modification.

We should find a way to implement Attachment so that it does not need modification when we have to support a new type of attachment.

Back to Any

We have no choice but to use Any to store attachments if we want to avoid any future modifications.

struct Attachment {
let type: String
let payload: Any?

private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case type
case payload

It may look like a step back, but bear with me, it’s not that bad.

The Codable protocol was not made to work with Any. We need a way to register attachment types.

Attachment.register(ImageAttachment.self, for: "image")
Attachment.register(AudioAttachment.self, for: "audio")

The implementation of register should store the logic uniformly to decode and encode the given attachment type, keyed by the type name in the JSON. Recall how we decode an attachment:

try container.decode(ImageAttachment.self, forKey: .payload)

How the heck do we store that logic uniformly in a Dictionary?

Type Erasure to the Rescue

To store the decoding and encoding logic uniformly, we have to erase type information. Let’s define the signature for our encoding and decoding closures.

typealias AttachmentDecoder = (KeyedDecodingContainer<CodingKeys>) throws -> Any
typealias AttachmentEncoder = (Any, inout KeyedEncodingContainer<CodingKeys>) throws -> Void

The AttachmentDecoder closure takes a container and returns the result of decoding its contents.

The AttachmentEncoder closure takes the attachment payload and encodes it using the given container.

Now we need two private static properties to store the decoders and the encoders respectively.

private static var decoders: [String: AttachmentDecoder] = [:]
private static var encoders: [String: AttachmentEncoder] = [:]

Finally, we can implement our register method to store the decoding and encoding closures for a given attachment type.

static func register<A: Codable>(_ type: A.Type, for typeName: String) {
decoders[typeName] = { container in
try container.decode(A.self, forKey: .payload)
encoders[typeName] = { payload, container in
try container.encode(payload as! A, forKey: .payload)

A Better Codable Implementation

Now that we have a method to register attachment types, implementing Codable is as easy as relying on the decoders and encoders static properties.

To decode an Attachment, we access the value of the type property and use it to find the corresponding decoder. Then, we use that decoder to decode the payload.

init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
type = try container.decode(String.self, forKey: .type)
if let decode = Attachment.decoders[type] {
payload = try decode(container)
} else {
payload = nil

To encode an Attachment, we first encode its type and then find the corresponding encoder, which is then used to encode the payload.

func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws {
var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
try container.encode(type, forKey: .type) if let payload = self.payload {
guard let encode = Attachment.encoders[type] else {
let context = EncodingError.Context(codingPath: [], debugDescription: "Invalid attachment: \(type).")
throw EncodingError.invalidValue(self, context)
try encode(payload, &container)
} else {
try container.encodeNil(forKey: .payload)

Example Use

It may surprise you, but inspecting the attachments of a message is not very different from how we did it with the enumeration solution.

It is important that we register the supported attachments before we do any decoding or encoding.

Attachment.register(ImageAttachment.self, for: "image")
Attachment.register(AudioAttachment.self, for: "audio")

As we can use a switch statement for type casting, the rest is more or less the same.

let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let message = try decoder.decode(Message.self, from: json)
for attachment in message.attachments {
switch attachment.payload {
case let image as ImageAttachment:
// do something with the image
case let audio as AudioAttachment:
// do something with the audio
// ignore unsupported attachments

To support a new attachment, we simply need to implement a new type for the attachment and register it. There is no need to modify the implementation of Attachment.


Enumerations with associated values are one of my favorite Swift language features. However, I don’t think they are well suited for this use case.

Using Any for the Attachment payload and implementing a registration mechanism for attachment types is resilient to modifications while maintaining a similar development experience.

A companion playground for this post is available here.



Guille Gonzalez
Making Tuenti

Occasional mobile developer. Jira ticket pusher. Converting coffee into code since the nineties. Comic book lover and movie buff. Tech Lead at @TuentiEng