Tuenti at Women Techmaker

Carmen Barroso
Making Tuenti
Published in
3 min readMar 22, 2017


On 11 March we represented Tuenti at the latest edition of the Woman Techmaker conference at the Google Campus of Madrid.

This event promotes women figures in the technology world, all speakers are women and it always takes place near woman’s day. This year they had 30 speakers and I thought it would be very important for Tuenti developers to be present, so when by co-worker Fina offered to speak at the event, I didn’t hesitate for a second and there we went.

Our speech was titled: “How to survive the fury of rebranding” and explained a little about our history, different changes in the design we have had to implement due to product requirements and how we have ended up developing tools and tricks to make it easier to configure an application. We don’t just talk about design, we also explain our automatic translation process, our user settings system, our different mobile accounts and some additional resources we work with every day.

The speech was not intended for a technical audience since the attendees had all types of professional profiles.

The event was a success, it took place at the Google Campus of Madrid and the organisers and speakers were delighted. This event has also provided us with the opportunity to network with other professionals and begin new projects.

Also, the speeches were very instructive and inspirational.

I think that worth mentioning is a speech about the AdaLab project, where a speaker called Rocío Gómez related her experience in the project and also, my co-worker Fina, participated in the speech by relating her parallel effort as a mentor. I thought this project was very interesting. The speech was focussed on helping women reinvent the world of technology; this way we create diversity by increasing the number of women in technology positions. Students attend a three-month training course and subsequently participate in internships at companies Students also have a mentor, which in this case is Fina, who guides and advises them on their training and careers. I hope you are able to convince many women to convert to the dark side of the code!

Another curious speech was made by a 7-year-old girl, who related her experience programming a robot with her father as if she was reading a story. I am glad to know that many families educate their girls using electronic toys, exposing them to technology, so that they do not think, at a very early age, that this sector is just for boys. One day she will have to choose careers and she will have the advantage of having come a long way and being free from any prejudices.

With this I say good bye until my next post, where I will provide further details about our specific speech and about my first experience as a speaker ;)

