Why it is a good idea to hire a nearshore team for your startup

Maksym Toporin
Maksym Toporin


Have you ever thought about the reason why such big tech companies like Google, Microsoft or Apple managed to grow from a small startup in a garage to the most powerful digital giants in the world?

Somebody can say that it is just a luck, or their ideas were cool and innovative. Another suggestion would be having a strong leader and working extremely hard. Actually if we conduct some research, we will realize that all these factors are necessary for becoming a successful company. However nobody can guarantee a success for you (and if someone is trying to convince you in the opposite you know what to do 🙂 ).

If you are reading this article, I bet you already have a great idea and a strong leader. So the last ingredient is a hard work. It is obvious that one person can do a lot, but together with the team it is possible to do more, better and faster. That’s why Sergey Brin and Larry Page paid so much attention to the hires when they were starting “Google”. Exactly for this reason Google creates all these campuses with free food and sleeping areas. To get the best talents on board!

In most cases startups are choosing the area for development where the “climate” is attractive for them to grow. It is known that computers and servers is an integral part in the tech world, however brains of people still stay the main power everywhere. While “Big Players” are attracting talents by offering high salaries and corporate bonuses, smaller teams may be limited in finances and may not always be able to compete for the best brains. This is where the nearshore resources could help a lot. It is much easier to find a good specialist at much more affordable price than on the European or US market.

Ukraine is a great example of a good “climate” where are a lot of technical universities, and the mentality is close to the western countries. It allows to grow a huge number of educated and highly professional IT specialists every year. So it is definitely worth to consider hiring a tiger team in Ukraine for your startup, because it will let you focus on your business, and not on trying to attract engineers on highly concurrent startup arena.

We will keep you posted, and in the next article will describe the best way to set up cooperation between startup and nearshore team.

Stay tuned for more 🙂



Maksym Toporin
Maksym Toporin

I’m the CEO and Partner at Nyvara Software, where we help startups and IT companies to set up the most talented dedicated teams of software engineers in Ukraine