Four continents. Six months. 130 million girls.

Before beginning university, Malala travelled to North America, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America on her #GirlPowerTrip.

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3 min readOct 16, 2017


Malala at a camp for Mosul evacuees in Iraqi-Kurdistan. (Credit: Malin Fezehai for Malala Fund)

Malala’s journey took her to the places where girls are struggling the most to go to school.

Malala met with girls in Kurdistan, Nigeria and Mexico.

Everywhere Malala went, she heard directly from girls about the problems they face.

But she also made sure to have fun!

In Latin America, Malala learned to make Sopes and Salsa with inspiring young women from Colombia, Brazil and Mexico who overcame war, poverty, early marriage and machismo culture.
In Iraq, Malala spent her 20th birthday at an amusement park with girls forced out of school by ISIS.

Malala took action — bringing girls’ messages and concerns directly to world leaders!

Malala met President Macron of France at the UN General Assembly in September and held more than a dozen meetings with presidents and prime ministers urging them to fund girls’ education.
Left: Malala meets Acting President of Nigeria, Vice President Osinbajo, with girls’ education advocate Amina. Centre: Malala with Prime Minister Barzani of Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraqi-Kurdistan. Right: Malala with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada and activists Maryam and Nivaal.

Malala’s Girl Power Trip is coming to a close, but you can still be involved.

Donate to our Facebook fundraiser and help us raise money so that we can amplify more girls’ stories.

For a limited time, every dollar raised on Facebook will be matched by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, making your gift go twice as far.

In April, Malala kicked off her #GirlPowerTrip to meet with girls and fight for their futures. With your support, they don’t have to fight for their education alone.



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Led by Malala Yousafzai, Malala Fund champions every girl's right to 12 years of free, safe, quality education. Learn more at