Looking back at this year

I witnessed firsthand the impact you are making for millions of girls.

Farah Mohamed
Malala Fund - archive


Six months ago I joined Malala Fund as CEO. Since then, I witnessed firsthand the impact you are making for millions of girls.

In Iraq, Kurdistan, Nigeria and Mexico, we met brave girls struggling to go to school. Girls who fled ISIS and Boko Haram. Girls who defied their families and rejected child marriage. Girls who worked as domestic servants to pay for their schoolbooks.

They did all of this with one goal in mind: to get an education.

Girls in these communities understand that education is their only path to a better future. Going to school is an incredibly courageous decision when it means risking your life, being ostracised from your family or working two jobs to afford it.

Malala Fund breaks down the barriers keeping girls out of school — and next year we plan to expand our reach to help more girls in Mexico and India.

We are starting to see momentum — more legislative wins, more supporters, more families sending their daughters to school. But we will never lose sight of the fact that more than 130 million girls are still denied an education.



Farah Mohamed
Malala Fund - archive

CEO @malalafund | Opportunity creator for girls and women.