On my wish list

Let’s give back what violence and oppression have tried to take away

Malala Yousafzai
Malala Fund - archive
1 min readDec 23, 2016


(Credit: Malin Fezehai)

At this time of year, when we all reflect and imagine what next year will bring, I make only one wish: I dream of every girl in the world to be in school.

It’s easy to lose sight of this dream. 130 million girls are out of school — girls like seven year-old Bana Alabed, watching her beloved city of Aleppo crumble around her. Or my sisters in Northern Nigeria who are under threat of kidnapping by Boko Haram.

Will you stand with me and make a gift to Malala Fund to help us fight the injustices keeping girls out of school?

I refuse to give up hope. We know these girls have so much potential — and we can give back what poverty, war and oppression have tried to take away.

As you gather with your friends and family to celebrate this year, join me and send a message of hope. We can make this world a better place for girls — let’s start by investing in their education.

Wishing you and your family a wonderful holiday.



Malala Yousafzai
Malala Fund - archive

Girls' education advocate, Nobel laureate, author, producer and cricket fan