Step Under the Tent!

(step under our tent)

Rose Maligne
Maligne Musings
Published in
2 min readApr 10, 2024


Photo by Ingo Ellerbusch on Unsplash

Good folks of the Metropolitan! May I welcome you and your gorgeous families to the most amazing show you’ve ever seen?

(We’re sorry you’re here, our mothers sold us too. We don’t have much, but you’re welcome to make yourself comfortable.)

Step under the tent to see the most unique spectacles you’ve seen on this side of the river! Have you heard of the Tulsa Trapeze Twins?

(Melissa and I have a lot of kits to help with any aches and bruises. We have plenty of supplies for children too, don’t worry.)

Step under the tent if you want to see Sebastian the Strongman!

(Don’t worry kid, if anything scares you, you can come to me.)

Step under the tent if you want to see the Bearded Lady or the Wolf-Boy! Have you ever seen creatures such as these?

(We’re not scary, we promise. This is just the only place we can exist.)

Step under the tent everybody, and allow me to start the best show you’ve ever seen! Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready? Welcome to the Circus!

(Step under our tent; it’s cold, and we’ve got a cot ready for you. It’s not much, but we got extra blankets. Welcome to the circus, Billy.)

Originally posted on So My Muse Says in the (free) April 2 newsletter.



Rose Maligne
Maligne Musings

Writing is a long-lost lover of mine, here is what my muse and I have produced. Enjoy.