10 Things You Can Start Doing Today To Improve Your Life

Don’t wait another day. It requires minimal effort.

Marichelle E. Urquico
The blog- Better living
4 min readApr 20, 2021


Photo by: Author
Photo by: Author

1. Wake Up On Time

A lot of successful people wake up at five in the morning and have accomplished so much by the time an average person wakes up. The good news is, you don’t necessarily have to do this. What you need to do instead is to plan your day and wake up on time.

Waking up later than expected will ruin your plans for the day. When you wake up on time, you get in a better mood. Forget about snoozing your alarm clock, too. That extra five minutes of sleep can’t give you the energy you need for the day.

To make waking up on time easier, practice going to bed at least an hour before you plan to sleep. And by going to bed, I don’t mean with your screen right in front of your face. There’s no better feeling than getting good sleep and you might not even need your alarm clock to wake you up.

2. Be Grateful

Take a moment to be grateful for another waking day. Skip the part where you check your notifications, emails, and messages when you open your eyes. Instead, think about all the things to be grateful for. A positive mindset starts here.

3. Meditate and Reflect



Marichelle E. Urquico
The blog- Better living

Lifestyle writer in the morning 👩‍💻 Healthcare worker in the afternoon 🥼